List of mammals in Trinidad and Tobago

List of mammals in Trinidad and Tobago

This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Trinidad and Tobago. There are 98 mammal species in Trinidad and Tobago, of which 0 are critically endangered, 0 are endangered, 1 is vulnerable, and 0 are near-threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red List which lists species of mammals and includes those mammals that have recently been classified as extinct (since 1500 AD). The taxonomy and naming of the individual species is based on those used in existing Wikipedia articles as of 21 May 2007 and supplemented by the common names and taxonomy from the IUCN, Smithsonian Institute, or University of Michigan where no Wikipedia article was available.]

The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN:

Some species were assessed using an earlier set of criteria. Species assessed using this system have the following instead of Near Threatened and Least Concern categories:

ubclass: Theria

Infraclass: Eutheria

Order: Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)

-----Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands. All four species are endangered.

*Family: Trichechidae
***Genus: Trichechus
**** West Indian Manatee "Trichechus manatus" VU

Order: Cingulata (armadillos)

-----The armadillos are small mammals with a bony armored shell. There are around 20 extant species.They are native to the Americas. There are around 20 extant species.

*Family: Dasypodidae (armadillos)
**Subfamily: Dasypodinae
***Genus: Dasypus
**** Nine-banded Armadillo "Dasypus novemcinctus" LC

Order: Pilosa (anteaters, sloths and tamanduas)

-----The order Pilosa is extant only in the Americas and includes the anteaters, sloths, and tamanduas.

*Suborder: Vermilingua
**Family: Cyclopedidae
***Genus: Cyclopes
**** Silky Anteater "Cyclopes didactylus" LC
**Family: Myrmecophagidae (American anteaters)
***Genus: Tamandua
**** Southern Tamandua "Tamandua tetradactyla" LC

Order: Primates

-----The order Primates contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes, with the latter category including humans. It is divided informally into three main groupings: prosimians, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World.

*Suborder: Haplorrhini
**Infraorder: Simiiformes
***Parvorder: Platyrrhini
****Family: Cebidae (New World monkeys)
*****Subfamily: Cebinae
******Genus: Cebus
******* White-fronted Capuchin "Cebus albifrons" LC
****Family: Atelidae
*****Subfamily: Alouattinae
******Genus: Alouatta
******* Venezuelan Red Howler "Alouatta seniculus" LC

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

-----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be keep short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb).

*Suborder: Hystricognathi
**Family: Erethizontidae (New World porcupines)
***Subfamily: Erethizontinae
****Genus: Coendou
***** Brazilian Porcupine "Coendou prehensilis" LR/lc
**Family: Agoutidae
***Genus: Agouti
**** Paca "Agouti paca" LR/lc
**Family: Echimyidae
***Subfamily: Echimyinae
****Genus: Makalata
***** Armored Spiny Rat "Makalata armata" LR/lc
***Subfamily: Eumysopinae
****Genus: Proechimys
***** Trinidad Spiny Rat "Proechimys trinitatis" LR/lc
*Suborder: Sciurognathi
**Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
***Subfamily: Sciurinae
****Tribe: Sciurini
*****Genus: Sciurus
****** Red-tailed Squirrel "Sciurus granatensis" LR/lc
**Family: Heteromyidae
***Subfamily: Heteromyinae
****Genus: Heteromys
***** Trinidad Spiny Pocket Mouse "Heteromys anomalus" LR/lc
**Family: Cricetidae
***Subfamily: Sigmodontinae
****Genus: Akodon
***** Northern Grass Mouse "Akodon urichi" LR/lc
****Genus: Nectomys
***** Trinidad Water Rat "Nectomys palmipes" LR/lc
****Genus: Oecomys
***** Arboreal Rice Rat "Oecomys speciosus" LR/lc
***** Trinidad Arboreal Rice Rat "Oecomys trinitatis" LR/lc
****Genus: Oligoryzomys
***** Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat "Oligoryzomys fulvescens" LR/lc
****Genus: Oryzomys
***** Azara's Broad-headed Rice Rat "Oryzomys megacephalus" LR/lc
****Genus: Rhipidomys
***** Coues's Climbing Mouse "Rhipidomys couesi" LR/lc
****Genus: Zygodontomys
***** Short-tailed Cane Rat "Zygodontomys brevicauda" LR/lc

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

-----The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

*Family: Noctilionidae
**Genus: Noctilio
*** Greater Bulldog Bat "Noctilio leporinus" LR/lc
*Family: Vespertilionidae
**Subfamily: Myotinae
***Genus: Myotis
**** Hairy-legged Myotis "Myotis keaysi" LR/lc
**** Black Myotis "Myotis nigricans" LR/lc
**** Riparian Myotis "Myotis riparius" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
***Genus: Eptesicus
**** Brazilian Brown Bat "Eptesicus brasiliensis" LR/lc
***Genus: Lasiurus
**** Eastern Red Bat "Lasiurus borealis" LR/lc
**** Southern Yellow Bat "Lasiurus ega" LR/lc
*Family: Molossidae
**Genus: Cynomops
*** Greenhall's Dog-faced bat "Cynomops greenhalli" LR/lc
**Genus: Eumops
*** Black Bonneted Bat "Eumops auripendulus" LR/lc
**Genus: Molossus
*** Black Mastiff Bat "Molossus ater" LR/lc
*** Velvety Free-tailed Bat "Molossus molossus" LR/lc
*** Miller's Mastiff Bat "Molossus pretiosus" LR/lc
*** Sinaloan Mastiff Bat "Molossus sinaloae" LR/lc
**Genus: Nyctinomops
*** Broad-eared Bat "Nyctinomops laticaudatus" LR/lc
**Genus: Promops
*** Big Crested Mastiff Bat "Promops centralis" LR/lc
*** Brown Mastiff Bat "Promops nasutus" LR/lc
**Genus: Tadarida
*** Mexican Free-tailed Bat "Tadarida brasiliensis" LR/nt
*Family: Emballonuridae
**Genus: Diclidurus
*** Northern Ghost Bat "Diclidurus albus" LR/lc
**Genus: Peropteryx
*** Lesser Doglike Bat "Peropteryx macrotis" LR/lc
**Genus: Rhynchonycteris
*** Proboscis Bat "Rhynchonycteris naso" LR/lc
**Genus: Saccopteryx
*** Greater Sac-winged Bat "Saccopteryx bilineata" LR/lc
*** Lesser Sac-winged Bat "Saccopteryx leptura" LR/lc
*Family: Mormoopidae
**Genus: Mormoops
*** Ghost-faced Bat "Mormoops megalophylla" LR/lc
**Genus: Pteronotus
*** Naked-backed Bat "Pteronotus davyi" LR/lc
*** Parnell's Mustached Bat "Pteronotus parnellii" LR/lc
*** Wagner's Mustached Bat "Pteronotus personatus" LR/lc
*Family: Phyllostomidae
**Subfamily: Phyllostominae
***Genus: Glyphonycteris
**** Graybeard Bat "Glyphonycteris daviesi" LR/nt
**** Tricolored Big-eared Bat "Glyphonycteris sylvestris" LR/nt
***Genus: Lampronycteris
**** Yellow-throated Big-eared Bat "Lampronycteris brachyotis" LR/lc
***Genus: Lonchorhina
**** Tomes's Sword-nosed Bat "Lonchorhina aurita" LR/lc
***Genus: Lophostoma
**** Pygmy Round-eared Bat "Lophostoma brasiliense" LR/lc
***Genus: Micronycteris
**** Hairy Big-eared Bat "Micronycteris hirsuta" LR/lc
**** Little Big-eared Bat "Micronycteris megalotis" LR/lc
**** White-bellied Big-eared Bat "Micronycteris minuta" LR/lc
***Genus: Mimon
**** Striped Hairy-nosed Bat "Mimon crenulatum" LR/lc
***Genus: Phyllostomus
**** Pale Spear-nosed Bat "Phyllostomus discolor" LR/lc
**** Greater Spear-nosed Bat "Phyllostomus hastatus" LR/lc
***Genus: Tonatia
**** Greater Round-eared Bat "Tonatia bidens" LR/lc
**** Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat "Tonatia saurophila" LR/lc
***Genus: Trachops
**** Fringe-lipped Bat "Trachops cirrhosus" LR/lc
***Genus: Trinycteris
**** Niceforo's Big-eared Bat "Trinycteris nicefori" LR/lc
***Genus: Vampyrum
**** Spectral Bat "Vampyrum spectrum" LR/nt
**Subfamily: Glossophaginae
***Genus: Anoura
**** Geoffroy's Tailless Bat "Anoura geoffroyi" LR/lc
***Genus: Choeroniscus
**** Intermediate Long-tailed Bat "Choeroniscus intermedius" LR/nt
***Genus: Glossophaga
**** Miller's Long-tongued Bat "Glossophaga longirostris" LR/lc
**** Pallas's Long-tongued Bat "Glossophaga soricina" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Carolliinae
***Genus: Carollia
**** Seba's Short-tailed Bat "Carollia perspicillata" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Stenodermatinae
***Genus: Ametrida
**** Little White-shouldered Bat "Ametrida centurio" LR/lc
***Genus: Artibeus
**** Gervais's Fruit-eating Bat "Artibeus cinereus" LR/lc
**** Jamaican fruit bat "Artibeus jamaicensis" LR/lc
**** Great Fruit-eating Bat "Artibeus lituratus" LR/lc
***Genus: Centurio
**** Wrinkle-faced Bat "Centurio senex" LR/lc
***Genus: Chiroderma
**** Little Big-eyed Bat "Chiroderma trinitatum" LR/lc
**** Hairy Big-eyed Bat "Chiroderma villosum" LR/lc
***Genus: Mesophylla
**** MacConnell's Bat "Mesophylla macconnelli" LR/lc
***Genus: Sturnira
**** Little Yellow-shouldered Bat "Sturnira lilium" LR/lc
**** Tilda's Yellow-shouldered Bat "Sturnira tildae" LR/lc
***Genus: Uroderma
**** Tent-making Bat "Uroderma bilobatum" LR/lc
***Genus: Vampyrodes
**** Great Stripe-faced Bat "Vampyrodes caraccioli" LR/lc
***Genus: Platyrrhinus
**** Heller's Broad-nosed Bat "Platyrrhinus helleri" LR/lc
**Subfamily: Desmodontinae
***Genus: Desmodus
**** Common Vampire Bat "Desmodus rotundus" LR/lc
***Genus: Diaemus
**** White-winged Vampire Bat "Diaemus youngi" LR/lc
*Family: Furipteridae
**Genus: Furipterus
*** Furipteridae "Furipterus horrens" LR/lc

Order: Cetacea (whales)

-----The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.

*Suborder: Odontoceti
**Superfamily: Platanistoidea
***Family: Ziphidae
****Subfamily: Hyperoodontidae
*****Genus: Mesoplodon
****** Gervais' Beaked Whale "Mesoplodon europaeus" DD
***Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
****Genus: Steno
***** Rough-toothed Dolphin "Steno bredanensis" DD
****Genus: Sotalia
***** Tucuxi "Sotalia fluviatilis" DD
****Genus: Lagenodelphis
***** Fraser's Dolphin "Lagenodelphis hosei" DD
****Genus: Grampus
***** Risso's Dolphin "Grampus griseus" DD

Order: Carnivora (carnivores)

-----The carnivores include over 260 species, the majority of which eat meat as their primary dietary item. Carnivores have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.

*Suborder: Feliformia
**Family: Felidae (cats)
***Subfamily: Felinae
****Genus: Leopardus
***** Ocelot "Leopardus pardalis" LC
*Suborder: Caniformia
**Family: Procyonidae (raccoons)
***Genus: Procyon
**** Crab-eating Raccoon "Procyon cancrivorus" LR/lc
**Family: Mustelidae (mustelids)
***Genus: Eira
**** Tayra "Eira barbara" LR/lc

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)

-----The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.

*Family: Tayassuidae (peccaries)
**Genus: Tayassu
*** Collared Peccary "Tayassu tajacu" LR/lc
*Family: Cervidae (deer)
**Subfamily: Capreolinae
***Genus: Mazama
**** Red Brocket "Mazama americana" DD
**** Gray Brocket "Mazama gouazoupira" DD

Infraclass: Metatheria

Order: Didelphimorphia (common opossums)


Didelphimorphia is the order of common opossums of the Western Hemisphere. Opossums probably diverged from the basic South American marsupials in the late Cretaceous or early Paleocene.They are small to medium-sized marsupials, about the size of a large house cat, with a long snout and prehensile tail.

*Family: Didelphidae (American opossums)
**Subfamily: Caluromyinae
***Genus: Caluromys
**** Bare-tailed Woolly Opossum "Caluromys philander" LR/nt
**Subfamily: Didelphinae
***Genus: Marmosa
**** Linnaeus's Mouse Opossum "Marmosa murina" LR/lc
**** Robinson's Mouse Opossum "Marmosa robinsoni" LR/lc
***Genus: Marmosops
**** Gray-bellied Slender Mouse Opossum "Marmosops fuscatus" LR/nt



*cite web
title=The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Mammals of Trinidad and Tobago
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Mammal Species of the World
publisher=Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
accessdaymonth = 22 May

*cite web
title=Animal Diversity Web
publisher=University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
accessdaymonth = 22 May

ee also

*List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of prehistoric mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species

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