Candelabra primrose

Candelabra primrose


image_caption = "Primula bulleyana"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Ericales
familia = Primulaceae
genus = "Primula"
sectio = "Proliferae"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

The name candelabra primrose or candelabra primula refers to species of "Primula" section "Proliferae" (formerly "Candelabra"). Such species include

*"Primula aurantiaca"
*"Primula bulleyana" (including "Primula beesiana")
*"Primula burmanica"
*"Primula chungensis"
*"Primula cockburniana"
*"Primula cooperi"
*"Primula japonica"
*"Primula mallophylla"
*"Primula melanodonta"
*"Primula miyabeana"
*"Primula poissonii"
*"Primula polonensis"
*"Primula prenantha"
*"Primula prolifera" (including "Primula helodoxa")
*"Primula pulverulenta"
*"Primula secundiflora"
*"Primula serratifolia"
*"Primula stenodonta"
*"Primula wilsonii"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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