San Andrés Tuxtla

San Andrés Tuxtla

The municipio (municipality) of San Andrés Tuxtla is a city/county combination in south central Veracruz, Mexico.

The city is located 150 km from the city of Veracruz along Federal Highway 180 in the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas region, at coord|18|27|N|95|13|W|, at a mean height of 300 meters (1000 feet) above sea level. The city serves as the municipal seat for the surrounding San Andrés Tuxtla municipality, which covers a total surface area of 919 km² (354.74 sq mi). The city had a population of 58,757 in the 2005 census; however, more than 60 percent of the population of the municipality resides in the numerous smaller outlying communities outside of it. The municipality reported a population of 148,447 inhabitants. None of the other communities is very large, but Comoapan, Calería, Salto de Eyipantla, and Sihuapan all have populations over 3,000 inhabitants each.

San Andrés Tuxtla offers a number of attractions including:

*The Laguna Encantada (the "Enchanted Lagoon"), which is surrounded by tropical mountain landscapes.
*The beaches of Montepio and Arroyo de Lisa/Costa de Oro, on the Gulf Coast.
*The Salto de Eyipantla waterfall (50 m wide), 12 km from the city of San Andrés Tuxtla.
*The Cathedral of St. Joseph and St. Andrew in San Andrés Tuxtla.
*The cigar factories of El Aroma (boutique factory which produces one of the finest cigars in the world), Santa Clara and Matacapan Tabacos. The area is a major tobacco-growing area.
*Its vicinity to Laguna Catemaco and the heart of the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere.The area has a centuries-old reputation for being a center for shamanism and witchcraft.


* [ Link to tables of population data from Census of 2005] INEGI: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática

External links

*es icon [ Ayuntamiento de San Andrés Tuxtla] Official website in Spanish
* [ San Andrés Tuxtla Tourist Guide]

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