Battle of Golpejera

Battle of Golpejera

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of Golpejera

caption="Alfonso VI taking the Oath of Santa Gadea"
partof=the Reconquista
date=January, 1072
place=On the Carrión River, 9 miles south of the city of Santa Maria de Carrion
result=Victory for Sancho II of Castile
combatant1=Sancho II of Castile
combatant2=Alfonso VI of León
commander1=Sancho II of Castile
Alfarez Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
commander2=Alfonso VI of León

The Battle of Golpejera also known as Golpejar (Spanish: "Batalla de Golpejera" o "Golpejar") was fought in early January, 1072 in the time of the Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula and the middle stages of the Iberian Reconquista, most notably most of southern Iberian Peninsula.
King Sancho II of Castile The Strong defeated Alfonso VI of León The Brave near Carrión.


At the time, the Iberian kingdoms of Castile, León and Galicia were united and ruled under King Ferdinand I of León, The Great. Controversy about Ferdinand's success was raised by Leonese nobleman over the future of being ruled by a Castilian king and government (Castile had been a frontier county of León, until very recently). Therefore, the king divided the succession of the three kingdoms between his three sons. Alfonso, García and Sancho would inherit Leon, Galicia, and Castile respectively. Following, the Navarrese Succession Law, (Ferdinand was the son of Sancho the Elder of Navarre), the first son would receive the most privileged of inheritance and the possessions acquiared were distributed between family members, especially sons and daughters. However, León as the heir of the ancient Hispanic-Gothic kingdom had the right of supremacy over the other lands of the Iberian Peninsula. Alfonso inherited Leon, but Sancho wanted it and because of this, sparked of the conflict of power between these neighboring Iberian kingdoms.

Results and Aftermath

Sancho II of Castile defeated his brother, Alfonso VI of León over the Carrión River (9 miles south of the city of Santa Maria de Carrion – the capital of the Beni-GomezChristian counts of Saldaña, Liebana, Carrion, and Zamora). The battle started at dawn and after a hard fight and the Castilians were driven from the field. Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar managed to encourage both King and army, and lead them in a new attack the following morning. Alfonso was captured and sought refuge in Toledo. But Sancho was assassinated when attacking Alfonso's men in Zamora. Alfonso inherited the joint Kingdom of León-Castile.

The Battle of Golpejera in popular culture

This battle is featured as part of the series of the El Cid campaign in as Brother Against Brother.

External links

* [ Short synopsis of the Battle of Golepejera and Llantada]
* [ Date of Golpejera]

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