Organisationsforum Wirtschaftskongress

Organisationsforum Wirtschaftskongress

The Organisationsforum Wirtschaftskongress e. V. (OFW) is a student-run, non-profit initiative that affords "high-performance students" (Spiegel Magazine) the opportunity to turn their theoretical business knowledge into entrepreneurial actions. Since its inception, the OFW’s main goal has been to engage well-renowned businesspeople, politicians, and scientists in to a constructive dialogue with top international business students.

It all started in 1984 when two students from the University of Cologne tried to supplement their education, which lacked "real life" practice. They had the vision of bringing together students and entrepreneurs to meet for a constructive, critical dialogue.

Twenty years later the World Business Dialogue with its nearly 1000 participants - who span all generations and come from all corners of the globe- is the world's largest student-run business convention.

The OFW’s remarkable efforts have won them many awards, including "Best European Student Initiative" bestowed by Sorbonne University, Paris and the recent premiere in "Land of Ideas" whose patron is German President Horst Köhler.

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