Desan (bishop) — Desan (died 355) was a bishop of the Christian Church. He was a resident of Bizabda in Mesopotamia during the reign of Shapur II. He refused to worship the sun, and was on that basis conducted to Persia where he was killed in 355. He was… … Wikipedia
Wilfrid Desan — (1908 2001) was a professor in philosophy best known for introducing French existentialism and especially the thought of Jean Paul Sartre to the United States. He was a native of Belgium who emigrated to the United States in 1948, where he gained … Wikipedia
Philippe Desan — Dr. Philippe Desan is a professor of Romance languages at the University of Chicago. Originally from France, Dr. Desan is among the top Montaigne scholars alive today. He received his Phd. from the University of California Davis, and has… … Wikipedia
pȍdesan — (∅, za što) prid. 〈odr. snī〉 koji se može upotrijebiti za što, koji odgovara zahtjevima ili potrebama; prikladan, podoban, adekvatan, zgodan za rukovanje … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
čȕdesan — prid. 〈odr. snī, komp. čudèsnijī〉 1. {{001f}}koji nastaje čudom, koji je rezultat čuda, natprirodan, neovisan o prirodnim zakonima, bajkovit 2. {{001f}}koji pobuđuje divljenje, koji najbolje odlike ima u najvećoj mjeri … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Francois de Sagon — François de Sagon Sommaire 1 Parcours 2 Historiographie 3 Oeuvre 4 Notes et références 5 Source et b … Wikipédia en Français
François De Sagon — Sommaire 1 Parcours 2 Historiographie 3 Oeuvre 4 Notes et références 5 Source et b … Wikipédia en Français
François de Sagon — François de Sagon, né à Rouen vers la fin du XVe siècle et mort au cours du XVIe siècle, est un poète français. Sommaire 1 Parcours 2 Historiographie 3 Œuvre … Wikipédia en Français
François de sagon — Sommaire 1 Parcours 2 Historiographie 3 Oeuvre 4 Notes et références 5 Source et b … Wikipédia en Français
Denkmäler der Provinz Yunnan — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Beschlüsse 2 Übersicht (nach Bezirken und ihren Kreisen usw.) 2.1 Kunming 2.1.1 Panlong 盘龙区 … Deutsch Wikipedia