Nasser Moghadam

Nasser Moghadam

Lieutenant General Nasser Moghadam (192111 April 1979) was the fourth and last chief of SAVAK (6 June 197812 February 1979). He succeeded General Nematollah Nassiri, who was arrested by the Shah's order in 1978. Moghadam was executed under Ayatollah Khomeini's order, after the Iranian Revolution along with Nassiri and Nassiri's predecessor, Hassan Pakravan.

Nasser Moghadam was born in 1921 in Tehran. He studied at the military high school, after which went to military school. In the late thirties Moghadam studied law at the Faculty of Tehran University.

Since August 1978, when Iran has been embraced by the revolutionary flame, SAVAK agents were rampant and committed excesses in the major cities of the countryTehran, Kermanshah, Isfahan, Mashhad, Tabriz, Shiraz, Ahvaz, etc., destroying dozens of Islamic activists and agitators.

16 January 1979 the shah and his family left the Iran. 1 February Khomeini returned from exile and personally led the revolutionary process. In total (since the beginning of an armed uprising on 9 February), the Islamists took several days to seize power. Three days of fighting with supporters of Ayatollah with Shah's imperial guard "immortal", SAVAK agent and loyal the monarch the military.

In the overthrow of the shah's regime, Iranian leftistsparticularly the radical left from the Mojahedin-e Khalq and Fedayeen Iranhave played no less (and directly in Tehran and major) role than the Islamists.

Is worth noting that all the heads of SAVAK (Hassan Pakravan, Nematollah Nassiri, and Nasser Moghadam) were shot.

External links

Directors of Ministry of Intelligence of Iran

(19571979) Iran Bakhtiar | Pakravan | Nassiri | Moghadam

Islamic Republic (1984present) Iran Reyshahri | Fallahian | Dorri-Najafabadi | Younessi | Mohseni-Ejehei | Moslehi

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