Sinanodonta woodiana

Sinanodonta woodiana

name = "Sinanodonta woodiana"

status = NE
status_system =
status_ref =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Bivalvia
subclassis = Palaeoheterodonta
ordo = Unionoida
familia = Unionidae
genus = "Sinanodonta"
species = "S. woodiana"
binomial = "Sinanodonta woodiana"
binomial_authority = (Lea, 1834)

range_map_width = 250px
synonyms =

The Chinese pond mussel, Eastern Asiatic freshwater clam or swan-mussel, "Sinanodonta woodiana", is a species of freshwater mussel from the family Unionidae.

Distribution and conservation status

* Not listed in IUCN red list - not evaluated (NE) [2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Cited 17 May 2007.]

* indigenous in Eastern Asia

* non-indigenous in Europe:
** Austria
** Czech Republic - not evaluated (NE) [Beran, L. (2002) Vodní měkkýši České Republiky - rozšíření a jeho změny, stanoviště, šíření, ohrožení a ochrana, červený seznam. Aquatic moluscs of the Czech Republic - distribution and its changes, habitats, dispersal, threat and protection, Red List. - Sborník přírodovědného klubu v Uherském Hradišti, Supplementum 10, 258 pp.] , in Bohemia [Beran L. (1997) First record of "Sinanodonta woodiana" (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic. – Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 61: 1-2.] and in Moravia [Novák J. (2004) Třetí potvrzený nález škeble asijské v ČR.]
** France
** Germany
** Hungary
** Italy
** Poland
** Romania
** Serbia [Distribution of "Anodonta (Sinanodonta) woodiana" (Rea, 1834) in inland waters of Serbia]
** Slovakia [Nagel K.-O. & Šteffek J. 2005: "Sinanodonta woodiana" (Lea) na východnom Slovensku. – Telekia (Michalovce), 3: 35–36.]
** Ukraine

* non-indigenous in some Indonesian islands
* non-indigenous in America:
** Costa Rica
** Dominican Republic


* "Aspidogaster conchicola" (Aspidogastrea) [Pavljuchenko, O. V. (2005) The first record of the helminth "Aspidogaster conchicola" (Aspidogastrea) in "Sinanodonta woodiana" (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Ukraine. - Vestnik Zoologii, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vol. 39(3): page 50.]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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