

In Hinduism, Aranyani is a goddess of the forests and the animals that dwell within it.

Aranyani has the distinction of having one of the most descriptive hymns in the Rhg Ved dedicated to her. She is described as elusive, fond of quiet glades in the jungle, and fearless of remote places. Indeed the supplicant entreats her to explain, how she wanders, so far from the fringe of civilisation, without becoming afraid or lonely. She is adorned with anklets of bells and is seldom seen but more often heard as the tinkling of her anklets echos through the dark forest. [The Hymns of the Rgveda By Ralph T.H. Griffith 1973 Hymn CXLVI Page 640] Her worship has declined in modern day hinduism, and it would be rare indeed to find a temple dedicated to Aranyani, but the hymn in the Rhg Ved is so vivid, it immediately creates a sense of hushed reverence, and sounds as though it could have been written yesterday, by someone who had a direct meeting with the Goddess. She is also described as a dancer.


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