Ringo Lam

Ringo Lam

Ringo Lam Ling-Tung (zh-tsp|t=林嶺東|s=林岭东|p=Lín Lǐngdōng, Cantonese: Lam Ling-tung), born in 1955 is a Hong Kong film director, producer and scriptwriter.

He is known for gritty, dark and realistic action thrillers. He was born in Hong Kong, and studied film at the York University film school in Toronto. Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" (1992) was reworked from Lam's "City on Fire" (1987), and critics have indicated that there are shot-by-shot copies of certain action sequences. His most recent films include a collaboration with Jean-Claude Van Damme: "Maximum Risk" (1996), "Replicant" (2001), and "The Savage" (2003) (better known as "In Hell").

Filmography as director

* "Esprit d'amour" (1983)
* "The Other Side of Gentleman" (1984)
* "Cupid One" (1985)
* "Aces Go Places 4" (1986)
* "City on Fire" (1987)
* "Prison on Fire" (1987)
* "School on Fire" (1988)
* "Wild Search" (1989)
* "Undeclared War" (1990)
* "Touch and Go" (1991)
* "Prison on Fire II" (1991)
* "The Twin Dragons" (1992)
* "Full Contact" (1993)
* "Burning Paradise in Hell" (1994)
* "Great Adventurers" (1995)
* "Maximum Risk" (1996)
* "Full Alert" (1997) - NB Incorrect link
* "The Suspect" (1998)
* "The Victim" (1999)
* "Replicant" (2001)
* "Looking for Mr. Perfect" (2003)
* "In Hell" (2003)

ee also

* Cinema of Hong Kong

External links

*imdb name|id=0482681|name=Ringo Lam

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