

Hypereides (Greek Polytonic|Ὑπερείδης; c. 390-322 BC) was a logographer (orator for the courts) in Ancient Greece. He was one of the ten Attic orators included in the "Alexandrian Canon" compiled by Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace in the third century BC.

William Noel, the curator of manuscripts and rare books at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland and the director of the Archimedes Palimpsest project, called Hyperides "one of the great foundational figures of Greek democracy and the golden age of Athenian democracy, the foundational democracy of all democracy.” ["A Layered Look Reveals Ancient Greek Texts," by FELICIA R. LEE, "The New York Times," November 27, 2006 [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/27/arts/27greek.html] ]

Rise to power

Little is known about his early life except that he was the son of Glaucippus, of the deme of Collytus and that he studied logography under Isocrates. In 360 BC he prosecuted Autocles for treason. [(frags. 55-65, Blass)] During the Social War (358–355 BC) he accused Aristophon, then one of the most influential men at Athens, of malpractices, [(frags. 40-44, Blass)] and impeached Philocrates (343 BC) for high treason. Although Hypereides supported Demosthenes in the struggle against Phillip II of Macedon; that support was withdrawn after the Harpalus affair. After Demosthenes' exile Hypereides became the head of the patriotic party (324 BC).


After the death of Alexander the Great, Hypereides was one of the chief promoters of war against Macedonian rule. His speeches are believed to have led to the outbreak of the Lamian war (323-322 BC) in which Athens, Aetolia, and Thessaly revolted against Macedon rule. After the decisive defeat at Crannon (322 BC) in which Athens and her allies lost their independence, Hypereides and the other orators, were condemned to death by the Athenian supporters of Macedonia.

Hypereides fled to Aegina only to be captured at the temple of Poseidon. After being put to death his body (according to others) was taken to Cleonae and shown to the Macedonian general Antipater before being returned to Athens for burial.

Personality and oration style

Hypereides was an ardent pursuer of "the beautiful," which in his time generally meant pleasure and luxury. His temper was easy-going and humorous; and hence, though in his development of the periodic sentence he followed Isocrates, the essential tendencies of his style are those of Lysias, whom he surpassed, however, in the richness of his vocabulary and in the variety of his powers. His diction was plain and forcible, though he occasionally indulged in long compound words probably borrowed from the Middle Comedy, with which, and with the everyday life of his time, he was in full sympathy. His composition was simple. He was especially distinguished for subtlety of expression, grace and wit, as well as for tact in approaching his case and pseudo-Longinus [("De sublimitate", 34) in the phrase-"Hypereides was the Sheridan of Athens".]

urviving speeches

Seventy-seven speeches have been attributed to Hypereides, of which seventy-five were regarded as spurious by his contemporaries. It is said that a manuscript of most of the speeches survived as late as the 15th century in the library of Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, but was later destroyed after the capture of Buda by the Turks in the 16th century. Only a few fragments were known until relatively recent times. In 1847 large fragments of his speeches, "Against Imosthenes" and "For Lycophron" (incidentally interesting clarifying the order of marriage processions and other details of Athenian life, and the Athenian government of Lemnos) and the sole of the "For Euxenippus" (c. 330, a "locus classicus" on state prosecutions), were found in a tomb at Thebes in Egypt. In 1856 a considerable portion of a eulogy for Leosthenes and his comrades who had fallen in the Lamian war. Currently this is the best surviving example of epideictic oratory.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century further discoveries were made including the conclusion of the speech "Against Philippides" (dealing with an indictment for the proposal of unconstitutional measure, arising out of the disputes of the Macedonian and anti-Macedonian parties at Athens), and of the whole the "Against Athenogenes" (a perfumer accused of fraud in the sale his business).

New discoveries

It was Natalie Tchernetska of Trinity College, Cambridge who discovered and identified in 2002 fragments of two speeches of Hyperides that have been considered lost, "Against Timandros" and "Against Diondas". Dr Tchernetska's discovery led to a publication in the "Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik", [Natalie Tchernetska (2005): “New Fragments of Hyperides from the Archimedes Palimpsest”, "ZPE" 154, pp. 1-6.] which in turn prompted the establishment of a working group under the auspices of the British Academy, which includes scholars from the UK, Hungary, and USA. In 2006 the Archimedes Palimpsest project, based at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, cooperated with imagers at Stanford University who used powerful X-ray fluorescence imaging to read the final pages of the Palimpsest, which were interpreted, transcribed and translated by a group of scholars in the United States and Europe.

:"The new Hyperides revelations include two previously unknown speeches, effectively increasing this renowned orator’s body of work by 20 percent, said Judson Herrman, a 36-year-old professor of classics at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. He is one of a handful of classicists who have written doctoral dissertations on Hyperides.":"It’s a spotlight shining on an important moment in history,” said Mr. Herrman, currently a fellow at the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Until the new leaves were found in the palimpsest, most scholars believed only fragments of Hyperides survived beyond the Classical period. [...] W. Robert Connor, the president of the Teagle Foundation, which provides education and financial resources for education, called the discovery of new Hyperides text a “tour de force of the first order.”" ["A Layered Look Reveals Ancient Greek Texts," by FELICIA R. LEE, "The New York Times," November 27, 2006 [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/27/arts/27greek.html] ]

Lost speeches

Among the speeches not yet recovered is the "Deliacus" [(frags. 67-75, Blass)] in which the presidency of the Delian temple claimed by both Athens and Cos, which was adjudged by the Amphictyonic League to Athens. Also missing is the speech in which he defended the illustrious courtesan Phryne (said to have been his mistress) on a capital charge: according to Plutarch and Athenaeus the speech climaxed with Hyperides stripping off her clothing to reveal her naked breasts; in the face of which the judges found it impossible to condemn her. [(Athenaeus, "Deipnosophistae", XIII.590)]

ee also

* Churchill Babington


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