Recurring character names of Final Fantasy

Recurring character names of Final Fantasy

refimprove = September 2007
The following are character names in the "Final Fantasy" series of computer role-playing games that have appeared in more than two titles. Because each installment is generally set in a different fictional world, the characters are not the same, although they often share similar designs or treatments.

Biggs and Wedge

The names nihongo|Biggs and Wedge|ビッグス & ウェッジ|Biggusu & Wejji are given to two related characters in several "Final Fantasy" games. They are a homage to the Star Wars characters Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles. [ [ Final Fantasy, Star Wars, Biggs and Wedge - Playstation 3 ] ] Their first appearance is in "Final Fantasy VI"—with "Biggs" mistranslated to "nihongo|Vicks|ビックス|Bikkusu"—as a pair of Vector soldiers accompanying Terra Branford in an attack on Narshe to claim an Esper. They are playable for a short period, but are soon killed by the Esper.

Following their first appearance, Biggs and Wedge have appeared in several games. In "Final Fantasy VII", Biggs and Wedge are members of AVALANCHE, an eco-warrior organization. They are killed while trying to prevent one of Midgar city's support pillars from being destroyed by Shinra Company. "Final Fantasy Tactics" features a form of the names—as "Viggs" and "Wezaleff"—as members of a raiding party, who have no speaking roles and die while descending Orbonne Monastery. In "Final Fantasy VIII", Biggs and Wedge are Galbadian soldiers who engage in battle with the protagonists twice, (once in Dollet - Disc I, and again in D-District Prison - Disc II) providing comic relief. They eventually retire from the Galbadian forces in Disc III.

In "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2", Biggs and Wedge are guards at the Luca Blitzball stadium, and can be scouted by the player to participate in Blitzball. In "Final Fantasy XII", two Archadian guards named Gibbs and Deweg (variation of Biggs, anagram of Wedge) stand at Nalbina Town, and appear as comic relief in several optional scenes in a sidequest. In the English translation of "Final Fantasy Tactics Advance", Biggs is a former business subordinate of Cid; Biggs and Wedge also appear as random names for character units. In Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Biggs and Wedge are the names of two specific enemies in a sniping mini game.

Biggs and Wedge are common names in other video games by Square Co. and Square Enix. In "Chrono Trigger", Vicks and Wedge, along with a third character named Piett (also a Star Wars character), are sideshow attractions at Norstein Bekkler's Lab at the Millennial Fair. In "Kingdom Hearts II", Biggs and Wedge are storekeepers to armor shops. Lastly, "Chocobo's Dungeon 2" features them as two Black Mage who may assist the player.

Biggs and Wedge also appears in "" as Red Wings soldiers who die protecting Prince Ceodore from an attack led by the Mysterious Woman. The game reveals that Biggs and Wedge were actually the two soldiers who questioned Cecil about stealing the Water Crystal of Mysidia at the beginning of "Final Fantasy IV".


A chocobo named nihongo|Boko or Boco|ボコ appears in several installments of the series. Boko appears in "Final Fantasy V" as Bartz Klauser's mount. Boco also appears in "Final Fantasy Tactics" as a chocobo owned by Wiegraf Folles, which is later encountered lost in a forest and can be saved and recruited by the protagonist Ramza Beoulve. A chicobo (young chocobo) named Boko appears in "Final Fantasy VIII" and can be obtained by Squall Leonhart; this chicobo possesses its own minigame with "Chocobo World". Boko also appears in Final Fantasy VII as a chocobo in races. A chocobo named Bobby Corwen appears in "Final Fantasy IX" in the Black Mage Village; his initials in Japanese katakana characters form "Boko". In "", a pilot in the Shera airship mentions that she is raising a chocobo named Boco. A chocobo by the name of Boko follows the protagonists of the Final Fantasy: Unlimited anime series.

Chaos and Garland

nihongo|Chaos|カオス|Kaosu is the final boss in the first "Final Fantasy" game. He is a relatively large, winged demonic figure. His other form, Garland, is also a common recurring character. Chaos first exists as Garland, an evil knight who kidnaps the princess of Cornelia. His plot is foiled by the Warriors of Light, who supposedly kill him while rescuing the princess. Garland is resurrected by the power of the four Orbs, siphoned by the Four Elemental Fiends and is sent 2,000 years back in time, turning him into Chaos. From the past, they are sent into the present by Garland to cause mass destruction and will eventually be responsible for his resurrection. This pact creates a time-loop and allows Garland to live forever. The Warriors of Light return to the Chaos Shrine ruins to travel two thousand years into the past, where they meet a Garland who remembers them, and seeks revenge, having defeated them in previous/alternate time-lines. After the Warriors of Light somehow defeat Chaos, they return to their own time with the Garland of a new reality waiting for them .

The name "Chaos" appears in other "Final Fantasy" titles. In "Final Fantasy VII", Vincent's fourth and final Limit Break causes him to take the form of a black, winged demon called Chaos; this concept is explored further in '. In "Final Fantasy IX", Garland is the lord of planet Terra, the last of his dying world's people. In "Final Fantasy XII", Chaos appears as an Esper within the game, obtained by defeating him first, and bearing the title "Walker of the Wheel". He is the summon of Wind. Also, the flagship of the anti-Imperial Resistance fleet bears the name "Garland". In the anime series ', Chaos is an otherworldly being that consumes other worlds (similar to Lavos or Galactus), feeding on the negative energy of others. Lastly, Chaos will appear as the god of darkness in the upcoming game "" for the PSP, voiced by Norio Wakamoto while Garland (Kenji Utsumi) is made as a separate character.


nihongo|Cid|シド|Shido is a character who appears, or is at least mentioned, in all "Final Fantasy" installments. Although he is rarely the same age, and never the same individual in each of the main series, he is usually presented as an owner, creator, and/or pilot of airships and provides transportation to the main characters and their party members at various points of the game. In the second game, he has a friendly relationship with a woman named Hilda; he also has a close relationship with a woman of the same name in the ninth and eleventh installments.

Cid does not appear in the original "Final Fantasy I"; however, he is mentioned in the subsequent re-releases on the PlayStation ("Final Fantasy Origins") and the Game Boy Advance ('). In "Final Fantasy II", Cid is a non-playable character and a freelance airship pilot. Cid reappears in the "Soul of Rebirth" subgame in "Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls" for the Game Boy Advance, which takes place during the final parts of the main game. Cid also appears in "Final Fantasy III" as Cid Haze"', a non-playable character.

The Super Nintendo installments feature Cid in a greater role. In "Final Fantasy IV", Cid Pollendina is a playable character, the first playable Cid in the Final Fantasy games. In "Final Fantasy V", Cid Previa is a non-playable character and elderly inventor. In the original video animation sequel to "Final Fantasy V", ', the late Cid's brain has been stolen by Ra Devil to be used in the villain's plans. Lastly, in "Final Fantasy VI", Cid del Norte Marguez"' is a non-player character who is a researcher for the Empire and the adoptive grandfather of playable character Celes Chere.

In "Final Fantasy VII", Cid Highwind is a spear-wielding main character and an airship pilot. He also appears in the game's prequel ' and the sequels "Final Fantasy VII Advent Children" and '. This version also appears in "Kingdom Hearts" and "Kingdom Hearts II" with an alternate version of Highwind. A memory version appears in "" and its PS2 remake.

In "Final Fantasy VIII", Cid Kramer is a non-playable character and the headmaster of Balamb Garden. He is the husband of Edea Kramer, who appears initially as the antagonist of the game.

In "Final Fantasy IX" Cid Fabool, is the ruler of Lindblum and is playable in a small sequence on Disc 3. He is also married to Hilda. Appropriately, his full name was "Cid Fabool the 9th". He designed two airships that the party uses throughout the game (Both of which are named after his wife), and plays an important political and personal role in relation to various other characters in the game.

In "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2", Cid is the leader of the Al Bhed tribe, the father of Rikku and Brother, and Yuna's uncle. He is the pilot of the first game's only airship, but he was not the creator of the machine; rather, he led the al Bhed in restoring a broken airship that had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

In "Final Fantasy XI", Cid is featured prominently in the world of Vana'diel as a non-playable character. He is the chief engineer of Bastok who created the airships.

"Final Fantasy XII" is notable for being both the first FF with more than one Cid, and the first in which Cid is a villain. Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa is a non-playable character as an enemy boss (also a first for the series). There is also a character by the name of Al-Cid Margrace, who is the heir of Rozarria and friend of Larsa. It should be noted, though, that the former is considered the "Cid" of the game, while the latter may just be a reference or a slight mistranslation.

The name Cid also appears in "Final Fantasy" games outside the main series. In "Final Fantasy Tactics", Cidolfas Orlandu is a playable character, a powerful general described as the only man that Ramza Beoulve's father, Balbanes, could truly trust. His stat growth, in comparison to other characters in the game, is immense and often disproportionate. Meanwhile, an optional side task that can be taken by members of Ramza's party involves raising a sunken ship named the "Highwind."

In "Final Fantasy Tactics Advance", Cid Randell is the leader of the Judges who uphold law in the game's world Ivalice, and can be acquired as a player character. In the spin-off, "Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift", there is different playable character named Cid, who belongs to the race of Revgaji (the first non-human Cid in the series) and is the leader of the Clan Gully.

Cid also appears in ' (as Dr. Sid), ', ' (as Mogcid) "Chocobo Racing", "Chocobo's Dungeon 2", ', "Treasure of the Rudras", and "" (as Ducktor Cid).

Cid will take the main role in a Final Fantasy game for the time with DS+ for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the Wii title announced in July 2008.


nihongo|Gilgamesh|ギルガメッシュ|Girugamesshu [ [ Final Fantasy Summons: Gilgamesh ] ] [ [ Gilgamesh - The Final Fantasy Wiki has more Final Fantasy information than Cid could research ] ] is a character first introduced in "Final Fantasy V". He is characterized by having grey complexion, flamboyantly colorful battle armor, and many arms wielding many weapons at once. He has a fierce façade, but this masks his own childlike personality. The name "Gilgamesh" comes from the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, the main character in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Unlike other recurring character names, the Gilgamesh who reappears in other installments seems to be the same person, though this may just be fan speculation. If so, then he is the only character ever to span Final Fantasy games. Gilgamesh's first appearance is in "Final Fantasy V" as a major villain, who the party encounters several times. He is one of the first engaging villains in the series.

Gilgamesh reappeares in "Final Fantasy VI" as one of 4 new Espers that have been added to the Game Boy Advance version of "Final Fantasy VI." He appears if the player bets the rare sword Excalipoor in the Dragon Neck Colosseum. He will randomly use one out of four attacks if summoned, each with different levels of power: Excalipoor (weakest), Masamune, Excalibur, Enkidu (strongest). In "Final Fantasy VIII", Gilgamesh is a randomly visiting Guardian Force who replaces Odin late in the game, if the player has already acquired Odin. He is depicted as an inter-dimensional traveler on a journey to collect swords (he refers to Odin's Zantetsuken as "the fourth one" upon retrieving it). In "Final Fantasy IX", Gilgamesh is a four-armed self-proclaimed great treasure hunter known as Alleyway Jack; the player encounters this four-armed man multiple times during the journey. In "Final Fantasy XI", the leader of the Tenshodo pirating organization in Norg is a man named Gilgamesh. Players will run into him while attempting missions from the first expansion pack, '. Gilgamesh is also the name of one of Final Fantasy XI's world servers. Gilgamesh shows up in the ' remake of "Final Fantasy I", as a warrior boss exploring the undersea ruins of Lifespring Grotto, a secret dungeon available after defeating Kraken and getting the Water Crystal. In "Final Fantasy XII", Gilgamesh returns as an optional boss under the Mark "Ancient Man of Mystery", accompanied by his animal companion Enkidu. He is fought two times, wielding a collection of signature swords from the "Final Fantasy" series; Cloud's Buster Sword from "Final Fantasy VII", Squall's Gunblade from "Final Fantasy VIII", Zidane's "off-hand" dagger from "Final Fantasy IX" (though it is lengthened to be a sword), Tidus's Brotherhood from "Final Fantasy X", Odin's Zantetsuken sword, two Tournesol swords from the game itself, and Loto's Sword from the Dragon Quest series (called the Wyrmhero Blade). However, these swords are generally fake since all have distinct differences to the original ones. For instance, the original Buster Sword contains no kanji character as shown in the picture above, and the one Gilgamesh wields has two extra materia holes further along the blade. Also, the original Revolver Gunblade displayed an image of a lionlike creature, whereas Gilgamesh's version features a picture of a chocobo. In contrast, a few Gilgamesh has legitimately acquired, such as the Zantetsuken from Odin in Final Fantasy VIII. It is also likely that one of the Tournesols is genuine due to it being an exact match to the one crafted in the game. He later returns in the sequel to "Final Fantasy XII", "" as optional boss, summoning numerous Enkidu to his aid. Upon defeating him, Gilgamesh becomes an allied Esper who can be summoned in battle. The Final Fantasy XII incarnation of Gilgamesh is voiced by veteran voice actor John DiMaggio in English language versions of the games.

Gilgamesh has been shown in both villain and hero positions. Through the actions of Final Fantasy V, he is shown to be good-natured, such as when he is seen to act sad when hearing of Galuf's death. However, his arrogance, occasional stupidity, and thirst for battle have generally pitted him against the party, usually leading to a difficult boss battle.

Gilgamesh is commonly known to carry the powerful Genji equipment set, consistently composed of the Genji Gauntlet, Genji Shield, Genji Helm, and Genji Armor.

During Square Enix's Private Party, DKΣ3713, it was rumored that Gilgamesh would be an optional boss in "". This rumor has yet to have been confirmed or denied.

Incorrect Appearances

In the Game Boy Advance remake of "Final Fantasy IV", Gilgamesh's name appears on a turtle similar to [ Adamantoise] . This is a mistranslation of the monster's actual name Gilgame, a portmanteau of "Gil", the currency of Final Fantasy, and "kame", the Japanese word for nihongo|"turtle"|亀|kame. However, the error was corrected in the European version, and the monster's name is properly translated as "Gil Turtle". This turtle also makes an appearance in "Final Fantasy XII" and "Final Fantasy Tactics A2" as the mark "Gil Snapper".


Moogles with the simple name Mog have appeared various times. Mog was a playable moogle character in "Final Fantasy VI". His special technique was to cause various effects by dancing. He was temporarily playable in one of the opening battles of the game, along with many other moogles, and can be recruited again later by saving him from a thief, and later, regardless of the player's actions during the thief event. The dancing ability associated with Mog can be seen on display in "Final Fantasy XII" in Old Archades, where the player can see a band of dancing moogles.Other appearances include "Final Fantasy IX"; where a female moogle named Mog serves as Eiko Carol's guardian, though she proves not to be a moogle after all, "Final Fantasy VII", where he appeared along with a Chocobo as a summon and not just as a summon, but as a name for all moogles, being that in FF7 all moogles are referred to as mogs. Two moogles also appeared in 'Final Fantasy VII as a game in the Gold Saucer, and "" as a chalice holder in single-player mode. Mog also appears as a Chocobo's rival moogle in "Chocobo Racing". None of these appearances are the same individual, though often they have characteristics in common.A Moogle called Montblanc first appeared in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as the leader of a clan Marche joined. Montblancreturns in "Final Fantasy XII" as the leader of Clan Centurio.


Sara or Sarah is the name of several princesses in the series. Sarah first appears in "Final Fantasy" as the princess of Cornelia and daughter of Queen Jayne. In "Final Fantasy III", Sara Altney is the princess of Sasune. In Final Fantasy VII, a character by the name Shera is a scientist working on the Shinra No. 26 under Cid. It is later revealed in Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus that she married Cid. In "Final Fantasy IX", a secret inscription in the village of Madain Sari reveals the princess of Alexandria Garnet Til Alexandros XVII's real name to be Sarah, and her biological mother's name to be Jane. Sara is also the name of Schala, Magus's sister, in the Japanese version of Chrono Trigger. In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance there is a character named Shara who becomes playable after finishing the main story. The choice of "Sara" or "Sarah" may be deliberate, as the name Sarah refers to a woman of high rank in Hebrew (often translated as "Princess")


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