Carnic Alps

Carnic Alps

name=Carnic Alps
other_name= _it. Alpi Carniche |other_name1= _de. Karnische Alpen

image_caption=Volaia Lake in the Carnic Alps
country=Austria | country1= Italy
region=East Tyrol| region1=Carinthia
region2=Friuli | region3=| region4=
parent=Southern Limestone Alps
length_imperial=| length_orientation=
width_imperial= | width_orientation=
geology= | period= | orogeny=

map_caption=Eastern Alps in light grey, Carnic Alps hilighted in yellow
The Carnic Alps ( _it. Alpi Carniche) are a range of the Southern Limestone Alps in East Tyrol, Carinthia and Friuli (Province of Udine). They extend from east to west for about 100 km (65 mi) between the Gail River, tributary to the Drava and the Tagliamento, forming the border between Austria and Italy.

They are named after the Roman province of Carnia, which name probably had a Celtic origin.

The mountains gave their name to the stage on the geologic time scale known as Carnian.

The most important peaks are:
*Coglians (2,782 m)
*Kellerwand (2,775 m)
*Cima dei Preti (2,703 m))
*Monte Cavallo (2,251 m)
*Monte Peralba (2,691 m)
*Monte Cridola (2,581 m)

The chief passes of the Carnic Alps are:
*Plöcken Pass (Tolmezzo to Kötschach-Mauthen), road (1,360 m)
*Naßfeld Pass (Pontebba to Hermagor-Pressegger See), road (1,552 m)
*Oefnerjoch (Forni Avoltri to Sankt Lorenzen im Lesachtal), foot path (2,301 m)
*Wolayer Pass (same to Kötschach-Mauthen), foot path (1,922 m)

External links

* [ Carnic Alps on SummitPost]

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