Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke

Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke

The nihongo|Tokugawa Yoshinobu House|徳川慶喜家|Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke was founded in 1902 when Emperor Meiji permitted Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last Shōgun of Japan, to found a house with the highest rank of nobility, kōshaku (Prince). The title was officially declared obsolete in 1947, though the family still maintains it.

The wife of Prince Takamatsu-no-miya Nobuhito (third son of Emperor Taishō) was Tokugawa Kikuko, daughter of the 2nd Prince of the Yoshinobu-ke, Yoshihisa.

Heads of the Family

# 1902–1913 公爵徳川慶喜 Prince Tokugawa Yoshinobu, 1st Prince of the Yoshinobu-ke (1837–1913)
# 1913–1922 公爵徳川慶久 Prince Tokugawa Yoshihisa, 2nd Prince of the Yoshinobu-ke (1884–1922)
# 1922–1993 公爵徳川慶光 Prince Tokugawa Yoshimitsu, 3rd Prince of the Yoshinobu-ke (1913–1993)
# 1993– 徳川慶朝 Tokugawa Yoshitomo, 4th head of the Yoshinobu-ke (1950–)


*Tokugawa Yoshitomo. "Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke ni yōkoso: waga ie ni tsutawaru aisubeki "saigo no shōgun" no yokogao". Tokyo: Bunshun-bunko, 2005.

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