Tokugawa Yoshitomo

Tokugawa Yoshitomo

Tokugawa Yoshitomo (徳川慶朝; born February 1, 1950) is the present (4th generation) head of the "Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke", the branch of the Tokugawa line started by the last shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu.


Born in Sena, in Shizuoka Prefecture, he went to school in Tokyo, later engaging in a career in photography [Tokugawa Yoshitomo, "Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke ni yōkoso", pp. 124-127] (incidentally, the hobby of his great-grandfather) and graphic design with Honda. Now a freelance author, he spends his time writing about the history of his family after the Meiji Restoration. He also sells coffee under the brand name "Tokugawa Shōgun Kōhii".

Through his mother's side of the family, Yoshitomo is also a descendant of the famous Matsudaira Katamori.

In early 2007, a man claiming to be Yoshitomo's son "Yoshihiro" was arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department on charges of fraud.


Principal Works

*"Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke ni Youkoso". Tokyo: Bungei-shunju, 2003.
*"Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke no Shokutaku". Tokyo: Bungei-shunju, 2005.



*Tokugawa Yoshitomo. "Tokugawa Yoshinobu-ke ni yōkoso: waga ie ni tsutawaru aisubeki "saigo no shōgun" no yokogao". Tokyo: Bunshun-bunko, 2005.
* [ Japanese Wikipedia article] on Yoshitomo (acc. 5 Feb. 2008)

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