ArmA 2

ArmA 2

Infobox VG
title = ArmA 2

developer = Bohemia Interactive Studio
publisher = 505 Games
designer =
engine = Real Virtuality 3
released = 2009 Q1, Prediction
genre = Tactical shooter
modes = Single-player, Multiplayer
platforms = Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
ratings =
media = Blu-ray Disc, DVD
requirements = Mininum: CPU with 2.66Ghz or faster, 1 GB of RAM Recommended: Multi-Core CPUs, 2GB of RAM, 8800GT or Faster GPUs
input = Xbox 360 Controller, SIXAXIS Controller, DualShock 3, Keyboard and mouse

"ArmA 2" (formerly known as Game 2) is a military simulation game for the PC and next-generation consoles being worked on by Bohemia Interactive Studio. It is the next game in the '-series following the predecessor '. The game was officially announced on August 22, 2007 at the Games Convention in Leipzig.


"ArmA 2" is set in the year 2009, in a fictional post-Soviet country called Chernarus (literally "Black Russia", a play on Belarus (Беларусь) which means "White Russia"). Bohemia Interactive revealed during E3 that the game will have a "roleplaying feel to it"; with in-game events affecting your character as well as the entire campaign. An example would be terrorizing noncombatants and losing their trust, thus encouraging them to give away valuable information to enemy forces. A map the size of 240 square kilometers has been mentioned in a recent interview with a BI representative. ArmA 2 is expected to be released in 2009.


"ArmA 2" will make use of industry standard technology, and will be powered by a much more powerful game engine, unlike its predecessor ArmA 1, which was built on Operation Flashpoint's game engine.

Some of the new Features in ArmA 2 are as follows:

* Multicore support
* Bump texture mapping
* Parallax occlusion mapping
* New glass, metal shine and reflections
* Micro AI
* Built in-dynamic conversation system
* Dynamic shadows
* New normalized textures
* New shaders

"ArmA 2 benefits from a game engine that has been in constant development for 10 years and is used as a basis for training simulators used by armies across the globe." - Maruk, BIS CEO

ArmA 2 will have full DirectX9 support. And is likely to support DirectX10 graphics cards.

ee also



External links

* [ ArmA 2 Official Site]
* [ Bohemia Interactive wiki page]

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