Stefan Grabiński

Stefan Grabiński

Stefan Grabiński (February 26 1887 - November 12 1936) was a Polish writer of horror fiction, sometimes called "the Polish Poe".

Grabiński worked as teacher in Lwów and Przemyśl and is famous for his train stories collected in "Demon ruchu" ("The Motion Demon"). A number of stories were translated by Miroslaw Lipinski into English and published as "The Dark Domain". In addition, some of his work has been adapted to film, such as "Szamota's Mistress".

Grabiński died of tuberculosis in 1936.

CB editions printed a collection of his stories, entitled "In Sarah's House", in 2007.



* "Salamandra" ("Salamander") (1924)
* "Cień Bafometa" ("Shadow of Baphomet") (1926)
* "Klasztor i morze" ("Cloister and Sea") (1928)
* "Wyspa Itongo" ("Itongo Island") (1936)


* "Na wgórzu róż" ("On Rose Hill") (1918)
* "Demon ruchu" ("The Motion Demon") (1919)
* "Szalony pątnik" ("Mad Pilgrim") (1920)
* "Niesamowita" opowieść ("Incredible Story") (1922)
* "Księga ognia" ("Book of Fire") (1922)
* "Namiętność" ("Passion") (1930)


* "Willa nad morzem (Ciemne siły)" ("Dark Forces")
* "Zaduszki" ("All-Souls' Day")

External links

* [ The Dark Domain]
* [ The Motion Demon]
* [ Grabinski presence at MySpace]

ee also

*List of horror fiction authors

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