Shin SD Sengokuden Chijou Saikyou Hen

Shin SD Sengokuden Chijou Saikyou Hen

Nihongo|"Shin SD Sengokuden Chijou Saikyou Hen"|新SD戦国伝 地上最強編|lit. New SD Warring States: Strongest in the World Chapter is the fourth work of the Musha Gundam series.

The events of this new work happened an unknown number of years after the previous work.
Running period, 1992 to 1993.


The Shin SD Sengokuden starts off as a new continuity many years after in SD Sengokuden's world. This time the world view is extended with the introduction of two new countries, Abram and Albion, in addition to Ark. The story told in four parts which happens in four places.

The BB Senshi kits in this series feature combining weapons, emphazing on the connection between the kits. It was after this series that Musha Gundams stopped being released in the Ganso SD Gundam kit series.

Characters this time are based mostly on the mobile weapons from , Mobile Suit Gundam F91 and Mobile Suit Variations


Part 1: At Abram
Since the day the 3 black suns appeared, vicious bandits of the Oukozoku appeared everywhere and they seized the country from the current ruler Ryutei. Years later Hakuryuu, a descendent of Ryuutei met Seiryuu and Sekiryuu of the Volunteer Corps and together plan to raid the country off the Oukozoku. But Seiryu and Sekiryu got captured by the Oukozoku. Hakuryu rides the Ryuuba given to him by Garyuu to rescue them. The three then defeated Ouko Zeong, the leader of the Oukozoku by ramming him with the Argama. On defeating Ouko Zeong, one of the black suns disappeared. The three than ventured across the sea on the Argama..Part 2: At Ark
A huge tornado has been destroying the streets of Ark. Kyuujuuichi, Heavy and Fullarmour are enlisted by Neo Jeagan to take care of the Mosa Clan which have been causing trouble at the mines. It turned out that Mosa Vigna, the head of the Mosa Clan is searching for the Nikitama. The Nikitama is snatched away by Baund Doc for his master, Orochi Bygzam. The three defeated Orochi Bygzam and proceed to a tunnel for they still have another mission..

Part 3: At Albion
Ashura, Neou and Shiranui are being informed of Shouki, the ruler of Albion's disappearance by the Beruga brothers. Ashura went out with Beruga Giros to conduct a search but during the search he was attacked by the Denan troops, a snake fell from a tree and equipped Ashura with a Nikitama which grants him power to defeat the assailants. The snake turn out to be Ri Gazui who told him that the Beruga Brothers plan to seize the country. The three than defeated the Berugas and with Ri Gazui as guide, they arrive at Crossbone Island..

Part 4: At Crossbone Island
The nine chosen Gundams from the three countries have assembled at Crossbone Island. They met and fought the three servants of Yami Daitei. Yami Taitei is then revived by the by the three dark servants and Dai Koutei is revived by the three Nikitama holders. The clash between Yami Taitei and Dai Koutei ended in a blinding light where both disappeared. The nine Gundams having completed their mission return to their homelands.



Hakuryuu Gundam (白龍頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam GP-01":Protagonist of the first part. Descendent of the Ryuutei, the ruler of Abram at one time. He fights the Oukozoku to regain rulership of Abram and in one of the battles he met the Volunteer Corps. Together with the Volunteer Corps, he continues his fight. Modelled after Liu Bei.

Seiryuu Gundam (青龍頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam GP-02":The sole survivor of the Ryuuga Clan(龍牙一族) which serves the Ryuutei. He joins the Volunteer Corps exert revenge against the Oukozoku for killing his clan. He is the one who met Hakuryuu and brought him to the Volunteer Corps. The secondary chief of the Volunteer Corps. Hakuryuu, Sekiryuu and him became sworn brothers. Modelled after Guan Yu.

Sekiryuu Gundam (赤龍頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Red Warrior":The head chief of the Volunteer Corps. Has high abilities as a strategist. His origins is a mystery. Modelled after Zhang Fei.

GM Cannon II (璽武砲弐)
Powered GM (力闘璽武):Members of the Volunteer Corps.

Oukozoku (黄虎賊)

Ouko Zeong (黄虎璽)
*"Design basis: Zeong":The leader of the Oukozoku. His lower body is that of an armoured tiger.

Genzaku (幻殺)
*"Design basis: Zaku II High Mobility Type":One of Oukozoku's Four Chieftains. Trained in using illusions.

Doku Gelgoog (毒激)
*"Design basis: Gelgoog High Mobility Type":One of Oukozoku's Four Chieftains. Uses poisons in battle.

Jio (地悪)
*"Design basis: The O":One of Oukozoku's Four Chieftains. Has a projectile claw at his right arm and a flamethrower underneath his covered mouth.

Kamayakuto (鎌厄)
* "Design basis: Jagd Doga":One of Oukozoku's Four Chieftains. Armed with a scythe.

Gira ()
Dogira (土鬼)
* "Design basis: Geara Doga and Geara Doga Custom"Foot soldiers of the Oukozoku. Dogira is Jio's personal troops.


Musha Eifu Kyuujuuichi (武者衛府弓銃壱)
*"Design basis: Gundam F-91":Protagonist of the second part. A young musha from Frontier Village (不論帝悪村), the village in south-western Ark. In order to protect the village, he and his two childhood friends stood up against Orochi Bygzam. Trained in archery and left-handed fencing. Has the ability to convert to a powered up form.

Musha Heavy Gundam (武者激闘頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Heavy Gundam":Childhood friend of Kyuujuuichi. Has a never-say-die spirit but a bad mouth. In all has a kind character. Confident of his swordsmanship and gunmanship. Has the ability to convert to a powered up form.

Musha Fullarmour Gundam (武者全武装頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Full Armour Gundam":Childhood friend of Kyuujuuichi. Calm and collected, he supports Kyuujuuichi who acts as leader of the three. Has the ability to convert to a powered up form.

Orochi Bygzam (大蛇飛駆塞虫)

Orochi Bygzam (大蛇飛駆塞虫)
*"Design basis: Byg-Zam":The monster which appeared at Mount Babylonia(爆火炉忍亜山) and wrecked havok in Ark.

Kyubiken (九尾犬)
*"Design basis: Baund Doc":The follower of Orochi Bygzam.

Mosa Clan (猛者一族)

Mosa Vigna (猛者飛銀)
*"Design basis: Vigna Ghina":Leader of the Mosa Clan. Searching for the Nikitama which grants all wishes.

Mosa Dahgi (猛者射鋭)
*"Design basis: Dahgi Iris":Vice leader of the Mosa Clan.

Mosa Denan (猛者電殴)
*"Design basis: Den'an Zon":Foot soldiers of the Mosa Clan.


Ashura Gundam (阿修羅頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam F-90":The protagonist of the third part. First prince of Albion. Went off to search for his father, Shouki Gundam who went missing because of the Beruga Brothers' revolt. Harsh to himself, he trains regularly. He is a hardworking person and he is devoted to becoming a worthy successor to his father. With the Nikitama from Ri Gazui he is able to attain Ashura mode and with Neou and Shiranui attain the Triple Sukuram(三位一体) mode.

Neou Gundam (仁王頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam F-90II":Second prince of Albion. An optimistic character who has a fondness for new things. Through the power of Ri Gazui transforms to Mekanibird(武器鳥) mode.

Shiranui Gundam (不知火頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam Mk-V":Shouki Gundam's aide. Respects tradition and status and well studied in the manners of politics. He understands the lower social strata as he is born from a humble family. Through the power of Ri Gazui transforms to Mekanimal(武器獣) mode.

Shouki Gundam (鐘馗頑駄無)
*"Design basis: G-3 Gundam":The ruler of Albion. Father of Ashura and Neou. Missing because of the revolt of Beruga Brothers.

Beruga Brothers (地獄牙兄弟)

Beruga Giros (地獄牙羅刹)
Beruga Dalas (地獄牙夜叉)
*"Design basis: Berga Giros and Berga Dalas ":Subordinates of Shouki Gundam. Organized a revolt in order to seize control of Albion.

Three of Light (光の三人衆)

Garyu Gundam (臥龍頑駄無)
*"Design basis: ν Gundam":First met Hakuryuu as a travelling merchant and offered the three Ryuuba to the Volunteer Corps. Actually one of the Three of Light that serves the Dai Koutei. Modelled after Zhuge Liang.

Neo Jegan (新慈絵丸)
*"Design basis: Jegan":Went to Kyuujuuichi as a miner for help against the Mosa Clan. Actually one of the Three of Light that serves the Dai Koutei.

Ri Gazui (龍・牙髄)
*"Design basis: Re-GZ":Introduced to Ashura as one of his father's servants. Actually one of the Three of Light that serves the Dai Koutei.

Gundam Dai Koutei (頑駄無大光帝)
*"Design basis: Gundam GP-03":The giant being of light sealed at Crossbone Island. He revived when the three Nikitama come together. Able to change to the Shining Bird(光帝凰) form.

Three of Darkness (闇の三人衆)

Yami Sazabi (闇斬火射)
*"Design basis: Sazabi":The instigator of Oukozoku's actions. The evil spirit of Ouko Zeong is then transferred to him by Yami Taitei.

Yami Kempfer (闇剣振風暴)
*"Design basis: Kämpfer ":The instigator of Orochi Bygzam's actions. The evil spirit of Orochi Bygzam is then transferred to him by Yami Taitei.

Yami Zaku (闇砕崩)
*"Design basis: Zaku III Custom":The instigator of the Beruga Brothers' actions. The evil spirits of the Beruga Brothers are then transferred to him by Yami Taitei.

Yami Taitei Gundam (闇大帝頑駄無)
*"Design basis: Gundam GP-03":The giant being of darkness sealed on Crossbone Island. Revived through gathering spirits from all over the land. Possesses divine armaments of similar level as Dai Koutei's - Ryuuba Dogosse Giar(龍馬・怒超鬼悪), Evil Break Cannon(邪悪決壊砲) and Shield of Darkness(暗闇の盾).


Argama (天龍馬):The combined form of the three Ryuuba given by Garyuu in response to Hakuryuu's Nikitama.

Great Buster Cannon (最強破壊砲):The combination of Kyuujuuichi's Beam Launcher(光乱散破天) with Heavy's and Fullarmour's Beam Cannons(光砲). The Nikitama amplifies the power of the three.

Shield of Splendour (光輝の盾):The combination of Ashura's Shinka no Tate, Neou's Asuka no Tate and Shiranui's Shouha no Tate.


* "SD Sengokuden 3 Shin SD Sengokuden Chijou Saikyou Hen" (Game Boy)

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