- Weinmannia racemosa
image_width = 240px
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Oxalidales
familia =Cunoniaceae
genus = "Weinmannia "
species = "W. racemosa"
binomial = "Weinmannia racemosa"Kāmahi ("Weinmannia racemosa"), a medium-sized
tree of the familyCunoniaceae , is a very common tree inNew Zealand , occurring in lowland, montane, and subalpine forests and shrubland from the centralNorth Island south toStewart Island .According to the 1966 "Encyclopedia of New Zealand", it is 'the most abundant forest tree in New Zealand'. [cite web|title=Kamahi - 1966 Encyclopedia of New Zealand|author=Poole, A. L. |url=http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/K/Kamahi/Kamahi/en |accessdate=2007-06-19] Sometimes beginning life as an
epiphyte on the trunks oftree fern s, kāmahi attains its greatest height of 25 or more metres in theCatlins forests of the south-easternSouth Island . It has small creamy-white flowers in erect spikes. Kāmahi generally occurs with other broadleaf trees, at times acting as apioneer species which is eventually succeeded by the southern beeches ("Nothofagus " spp.) orpodocarp s. In forests to the west of theSouthern Alps it grows in association with southern rātā ("Metrosideros umbellata "). Because thewood of kāmahi has a tendency to warp or crack, it is little used despite its abundance. A closely related tree, tōwai or tawhero ("W. silvicola"), replaces kāmahi in the North Island north of latitude 37°S.References
Further reading
*Metcalf, Laurie, 2002. "A Photographic Guide to Trees of New Zealand". Tāmaki-makau-rau: New Holland.
*Salmon, J.T., 1986. "The Native Trees of New Zealand". Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara: Heinneman Reed.External links
*cite web |title="Weinmannia racemosa" |work=New Zealand Plant Conservation Network |url=http://www.nzpcn.org.nz/vascular_plants/detail.asp?PlantID=1405|accessdate=2008-05-18
*cite web |title="Weinmannia racemosa" |work=Flora of New Zealand |url=http://floraseries.landcareresearch.co.nz/pages/Taxon.aspx?id=_ed495d52-874c-4453-b5a8-c04a6e3a45f7&fileName=Flora%201.xml|accessdate=2008-05-18
* [http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/004/Y1997E/y1997e17.htm#bm43 Ecological zones of Oceania; includes information about Weinmannia racemosa]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.