- Infinitesimal character
In mathematics, the infinitesimal character of an
irreducible representation ρ of asemisimple Lie group "G" on a vector space "V" is, roughly speaking, a mapping to scalars that encodes the process of first differentiating and thendiagonalizing the representation. It therefore is a way of extracting something essential from the representation ρ by two successive linearizations.Formulation
The infinitesimal character is the linear form on the center "Z" of the
universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of "G" that the representation induces. This construction relies on some extended version ofSchur's lemma to show that any "z" acts on "V" as a scalar, which byabuse of notation could be written ρ("z").In more classical language, "z" is a
differential operator , constructed from theinfinitesimal transformation s which are induced on "V" by theLie algebra of "G". The effect of Schur's lemma is to force all "v" in "V" to be simultaneouseigenvector s of "z" acting on "V". Calling the corresponding eigenvalue:λ = λ("z"),
the infinitesimal character is by definition the mapping
:"z" → λ("z").
There is scope for further formulation. By the
Harish-Chandra homomorphism , the center "Z" can be identified with the subalgebra of elements of thesymmetric algebra of theCartan subalgebra "a" that are invariant under the Weyl group, so an infinitesimal character can be identified with an element of:"a"*⊗ C/"W",
the orbits under the
Weyl group "W" of the space "a"*⊗ C of complex linear functions on the Cartan subalgebra.
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