- Autocovariance
statistics , given a realstochastic process "X"("t"), the autocovariance is simply thecovariance of the signal against a time-shifted version of itself. If each state of the series has amean , E ["X""t"] = μ"t", then the autocovariance is given by:
where E is the expectation operator.
If "X"("t") is wide sense stationary then the following conditions are true:
: for all "t", "s"
is the lag time, or the amount of time by which the signal has been shifted.
As a result, the autocovariance becomes
where "R"XX represents the
autocorrelation , in the signal processing sense.Normalization
When normalized by dividing by the
variance σ2 then the autocovariance becomes the autocorrelation coefficient ρ. That is:
Note, however, that some disciplines use the terms autocovariance and autocorrelation interchangeably.
The autocovariance can be thought of as a measure of how similar a signal is to a time-shifted version of itself with an autocovariance of σ2 indicating perfect correlation at that lag. The normalisation with the variance will put this into the range [−1, 1] .
See also
Autocorrelation References
* P. G. Hoel (1984): Mathematical Statistics, New York, Wiley
* [http://w3eos.whoi.edu/12.747/notes/lect06/l06s02.html Lecture notes on autocovariance from WHOI]
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