Spawning (computer gaming)

Spawning (computer gaming)

In computer and video games, spawning is the in-game creation of an entity, such as a player character, a non-player character (NPC), or an item. Respawning is the recreation of an entity after its death, destruction or removal, or at the end of a round.

Spawning of players varies depending on the game mechanics. It often initially happens at the beginning of a round or after the player joins the game. Respawning can occur after being killed or destroyed, either immediately or after a delay (which can include waiting until the next round). When a player spawns, the player will have the health value, armor and equipment reset to predefined values, which depend upon the game and the current mode.

Players spawn at "spawn points" or "spawn sites", usually scattered throughout the level. In levels designed for team play, these points are grouped so that each team spawns in a specific area of the level. For example, in the "Team Fortress Classic" level 2fort, the teams spawn in forts on opposite sides of the level.

Spawn camping is a frowned upon practice where a player waits near spawn points to kill players as they spawn. Certain design flaws in levels can be taken advantage of by players who wish to spam a spawn with explosives. Most team-based games have some kind of protection against spawncamping, a popular one being a one-way door that only allows a specific team to open and access the spawn area. Spawn points for in-game objects other than players are often used and abused in a similar fashion in other types of games, such as MMORPGs.

In some games or modes within games (such as deathmatch) respawning may also apply weapons, ammunition, power-ups and other useful items that may return after a period of varying or fixed duration. Missiles, such as rockets, grenades, or fireballs and energy bursts, are also spawned by entities shooting them at opponents.

Enemy (re)spawning

In some games, enemies may be respawned (or new ones spawned), to keep players on their toes and create tension, or force players to move on, making it too costly (in resources) and/or too dangerous to stay in one place for too long. Depending on the game, these enemies may come looking for the player, if they do not spawn within line-of-sight. An early game including monster respawning is Doom, and its sequel included spawning from other monsters, and a final boss capable of spawning various sorts of minions. Later games that have done this to differing degrees include "GoldenEye 007", "Perfect Dark", "System Shock", "System Shock 2", and "Doom 3". "System Shock 2" and "Doom 3", in particular, have been alternately lauded or derided for these features by players and reviewers alike.

In MMORPGs, it is typical for monsters, or mobs as they are known, to continually respawn to allow the many players and parties a chance to fight the mobs. Instances, which focus on single-party gameplay, are different in that mobs frequently do not respawn while in the instance. For example, bosses in "World of Warcraft" instances do not respawn.cite web
url =
title = World of Warcraft: Instancing
accessdate = 2007-03-04

Player-requested entities

In some games, most notably the "Unreal" series, a player who has administrative powers in a server or offline session, can spawn entities or inventory items at will. This is done by using the in-game console to input commands to be executed.


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