Caribbean Air Systems is a start-up airline based in Guyana. It plans to operate regional passenger services[Flight International 3 April 2007] .]
The airline was established in April 2006[. The government of Guyana had authorised the granting of licenses to Caribbean Air Systems, Travelspan Guyana and E-Jet at a Cabinet meeting on 5 April 2006. The airlines were to begin operations in Guyana shortly after being granted licenses to provide regional and international services and would be establishing escrow accounts and performance bonds before starting operations, which were expected by peak season 2006 [ [ Guyana Government Information Agency] 7 April 2006] [ [ Caribbean Net News] 10 April 2006] .]
Caribbean Air Systems plans to operate services to the following destinations[ :]
*Belém, Brazil
*Cayenne, French Guiana
*Paramaribo, Suriname
*Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
*Caracas, Venezuela
*Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
*Saint Martin, Netherlands Antilles
*Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic