Vic Gonsalves

Vic Gonsalves

Vic Gonsalves (born October 20, 1887 - died August 29, 1922) was a Dutch amateur football (soccer) player. Between 1906 and 1923 he played 86 matches for HBS Craeyenhout. He was nicknamed "de Prins" (the Prince) and known as a midfielder with a decent pass. [ V.A. (Vic) 'de prins' Gonsalves] ,]

He made his debut for the Netherlands in 1909 away to Belgium, which the Dutch won 1-4. [ [ Belgie-Nederland, 21 March 1909, on] ] A month later he received his second cap in a 4-0 home loss against England. [ [] ] His third and final cap was a 3-2 defeat against Belgium in 1910. [ [ Vic Gonsalves caps] ,] [ [ Belgie-Nederland 13 March 1910, on] ] Gonsalves was a part of the Dutch Olympic team which won the bronze medal in the 1912 tournament; however, since he was a reserve player and did not play in a match, he was not given a medal. [ [] ] [ [ IFFHS Magazines] ]

He suffered with health problems and died at the age of 35.


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