- Adequate Information Management in Europe
research project Adequate Information Management in Europe (AIM) deals withcoverage of theEuropean Union (EU ) and the development of (a) Europeanpublic sphere (s).Objectives
Four main goals can be stressed:
* Research of the
journalistic work procedures and routines in the field of European journalism;
* Analysis of national journalismcultures determining these mechanisms to re-think and re-define professional standards from a comparative European perspective;
* Investigation ofEU communication andinformation policies;
* Development of alternative information and communication platforms as well as practical applications for European journalism.The analysis and theories of the project are based on several
empirical field studies which consider the perspectives and working routines of all involved persons as well as their products, services and bases of work.Organisation
The AIM-project was organised between Mai 2004 and April 2007 by researchers from eleven European countries. Given a very complex object of research, researchers from different disciplines were integrated in the project. The participating researchers from
Belgium ,Estonia ,Finland ,France ,Germany ,Great Britain ,Ireland ,Italy ,Lithuania ,Norway andRomania represented the fields of journalism studies,communication studies ,political science andsociology .The
project is co-funded within the Sixth EU FrameworkProgramme with 800 000 Euro and coordinated by the Erich-Brost-Institute for internationale Journalism at theDortmund University of Technology .Publications
* AIM Research Consortium (ed.): Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting in Mass Media. Analysis of EU media coverage and interviews in editorial offices in Europe. Adequate Information Management in Europe (AIM) – Working Papers 2006/1. Dortmund: projektverlag
* AIM Research Consortium (ed.): Comparing the Logic of EU Reporting in Mass Media across Europe. Transnational analysis of EU media coverage and of interviews in editorial offices in Europe. Adequate Information Management in Europe (AIM) – Working Papers 2007/2. Dortmund: projektverlag
* AIM Research Consortium (ed.): Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting from Brussels. Analysis of interviews with EU correspondents and spokespersons. Adequate Information Management in Europe (AIM) – Working Papers 2007/3. Dortmund: projektverlag
* AIM Research Consortium (ed.): Theory Building “European Identity Building/European Public Sphere”. [http://www.aim-project.net/uploads/media/D6_Theorie_Building.pdf]
External links
* http://www.aim-project.net - Offizielle Webseite des Projekts
* http://www.brost.org - Erich-Brost-Institut (Koordinator)
* http://www.europa-digital.de/aktuell/dossier/oeffentlichkeit/index.shtml - Dossier zum Thema "Europäische Öffentlichkeit"
* http://www.projektverlag.de - Verlag
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