- Environmental studies
Environmental studies is the systematic study of human interaction with their environment. It is a broad field of study that includes the
natural environment ,built environment s,social environment s, organizational environments, and the sets of relationships between them. [National Center for Education Statistics. [http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/cip2000/ciplist.asp?CIP2=03|"Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP 2000)- (03) NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION"] . Institute of Education Sciences, United States Department of Education. [Accessed 08/05/2008] ] Environmental studies is distinct fromecology andenvironmental science .Current environmental problems have evolved into a complex set of
interdisciplinary issues involvingecological , political, economic, social, as well as physical and biological considerations. Modern environmental studies must include the study of the urban environment as well as the natural environment.References
See also
Bachelor of Environmental Studies
*Brian Black
*Conservation Commons
*Environmental communication
*Environmental education
*Environmental Impact Statement
*Environmental science
*List of environmental studies topics
*Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
*School of Environmental Studies
*Sustainable development
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