Asarum canadense

Asarum canadense

name = "Asarum canadense"

status = G5
status_system = TNC
status_ref = Cite web
publisher =NatureServe
title = Asarum canadense
work = NatureServe Explorer
url =
accessdate = 2007-12-15
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Angiosperms
classis = Magnoliids
ordo = Piperales
familia = Aristolochiaceae
genus = "Asarum"
species = "A. canadense"
binomial = "Asarum canadense"
binomial_authority = L.
synonyms = "A. acuminatum"
"A. canadense" var. "acuminatum"
"A. canadense" var. "ambiguum"
"A. canadense" var. "reflexum"
"A. reflexum"
"A. rubrocinctum"|

"Asarum canadense", commonly known as Canada wild ginger, Canadian snakeroot and broad-leaved asarabaccais, is a perennial herb native to rich, moist forests of eastern North America. It is found from the Great Plains east to the Atlantic Coast, and from southeastern Canada south to approximately the fall line in the southeastern United States. In early spring it develops distinct, hairy, cup-shaped, tan or purple flowers which terminate in three long spike-like sepals. The long rhizomes give rise to persistent kidney-shaped leaves. They often form colonies or clusters as the rhizome spreads. The diploid chromosome number is 26.Citation
last =Whittemore
first =Alan T. ; Mesler, Michael R.; Lu, Karen L.
contribution =Asarum canadense
year =2006
title =Flora of North America
editor-last =Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+
volume =3
contribution-url =
place=New York & Oxford
publisher =Oxford University Press
] The plant protected as a state threatened species in Maine.citation| contribution=Asarum canadense| title=USDA PLANTS Database| contribution-url=]


The long rhizomes of "A. canadense" were used by Native Americans as a seasoning. It has similar aromatic properties to true ginger ("Zingiber officinale"). It is considered to be approximately 1/3 as strongly flavored as "Z. officinale",Fact|date=December 2007 but it is not related to true ginger and should not be used as a substitute because it contains an unknown concentration of the carcinogen aristolochic acid. [citation| last=Duke| first=Jim| contribution="Asarum canadense"| title=Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases| contribution-url=] These plants can be easily grown in woodland or shade gardens. Native Americans used the plant as a medicinal herb to treat a number of ailments including dysentery, digestive problems, swollen breasts, coughs and colds, typhus, scarlet fever, nerves, sore throats, cramps, heaves, earaches, headaches, convulsions, asthma, tuberculosis, urinary disorders and venereal disease. In addition, they also used it as a stimulant, an appetite enhancer and a charm. It was also used as an admixture to strengthen other herbal preparations.


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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