Brian G. Gilmartin

Brian G. Gilmartin

Brian G. Gilmartin (born May 18 1940) is an American behavioral scientist, professor of psychology, and author of books and articles in the field of social psychology. He is most notable for his quantitative psychological research of what he has named "love-shyness".

In more recent years, Gilmartin has taught sociology, social psychiatry, and parenting at the Montana State University - Northern.

Brief biography

Gilmartin was born May 18 1940 in Newark, New Jersey, and subsequently raised in nearby Maplewood.

He obtained his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1962, and his M.S. in the same subject from the University of Utah in 1965.

In 1976, Dr. Gilmartin earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Iowa. There he specialized in marriage and family studies.

From 1963 to 1973, Gilmartin taught as an assistant professor at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. From 1980 to 1987 he worked as an assistant professor at Westfield State College in Westfield, Massachusetts. During these decades, he also taught at California State Polytechnic, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Auburn University. Additionally, Gilmartin served as a psychological counselor on both Utah and California State campuses.

Since 1988, he has been an associate professor stationed at Montana State University - Northern. He currently lives in the surrounding campus community of Havre, Montana.

In addition to the subjects noted above, his research interests have also included the neuropsychology of personality, the practice of "sexual spouse sharing", and the effect of dog ownership on family life, his most recent book being "How to Excel at Parenting: 33 Proven Success Strategies" (2003). [See Gilmartin (2003) under further reading.]

Love shyness

Professor Gilmartin's theory of love-shyness is elaborated in his books "Shyness & Love" (1987) [ See Gilmartin (1987a) listed under further reading. ] and "The Shy Man Syndrome" (1989). [ Refer to Gilmartin (1989a) under further reading. ] His survey and empirical data for these books are described in his two articles, "Some family antecedants of severe shyness in males" (1985) [ See Gilmartin (1985) cited under further reading. ] and "Peer group antecedents of severe love-shyness in males" (1987). [ Refer to Gilmartin (1987b) in further reading.]

Criticisms of his research have been made by Allgeir (1988) that he has wasted attention on pseudoscientific theories of shyness, and by Cheek (1989) that he has not paid enough attention to research regarding similar shyness in women. However, despite such criticism, Gilmartin subsequently became a spokesman and social advocate for love-shy, anxiety-inhibited young men. [See the external links.]


*Julia S. Brown and Brian G. Gilmartin (1969), "Sociology today: Lacunae, emphases and surfeits", American Sociologist 4: 283-291.
**Gilmartin's first published article.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1975), "That swinging couple down the block," Psychology Today, 8: 54-58.
**His article for a magazine prior to his 1978 book.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1978), "The Gilmartin Report: Inside Swinging Families", Citadel Press, Lyle Stuart Inc., Secaucus, New Jersey. ISBN 9780806506418.
**Gilmartin's first book.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1979a), "Corporal punishment: a research update", Human Behavior (journal) 8: 18-25.
**A discussion of recent data regarding the effects of spanking and punitive parenting.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1979b), "The case against spanking", Human Behavior 2: 18+.
**An essay on the dysfunctional consequences of corporal punishment in child-raising.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1985), "Some family antecedents of severe shyness in males", Family Relations (journal) "34": 429-438.
** The author presents data later discussed in his 1987 book.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1987a), "Shyness and Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatments", University Press of America, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland. ISBN 0-8191-6102-0 and ISBN 9780819161024.
** Scientific treatise with 25 chapters and 701 pages. Available online to read and/or print at with major excerpts in HTML and the full document as a .PDF file.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1987b), "Peer group antecedents of severe love-shyness in males", "Journal of Personality" "55": 467-489.
** The author presents data also discussed in his 1987 book.
*Elizabeth R. Allgeir (1988), "Book review: shyness & love", "Journal of Sex Research" "25" (2): 309-315.
** A scientific critique of Gilmartin's 1987 book and theory, concerning Gilmartin's use of pseudoscientic theories with shyness.
*Jonathan M. Cheek (1989a), "APA Review of Books", "Contemporary Psychology", 34(8): 791-792.
** Another critique of Gilmartin's 1987 book and theory, highlighting the lack of study of shyness in women.
*Brian G. Gilmartin (1989b), "The Shy Man Syndrome: Why Men Become Love Shy And How They Can Overcome It", Madison Books, New York, New York. ISBN 0-8191-7009-7 and ISBN 9780811917095.
** Described by the author as "a popular version" of his much longer book, "Shyness and Love" (1987).
*Brian G. Gilmartin (2003), "How to Excel at Parenting: 33 Proven Success Strategies", Kendall Hunt (publisher), New York, New York. ISBN 9780757502378.
**Gilmartin's latest book.


External links

* " [ Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment] " –- online text of his 1987 book, as well as information regarding "love-shy" support and advocacy groups

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