- List of undecidable problems
computability theory , an undecidable problem is a problem whose language is not arecursive set . More informally, such problems cannot be solved in general by computers; see decidability. This is a list of undecidable problems. Note that there are uncountably many undecidable problems, so this list is necessarily incomplete. Though undecidable languages are not recursive languages, they may be asubset of Turing recognizable languages.Problems related to
logic *
Type inference andtype checking for the second-orderlambda calculus (or equivalent). [J. B. Wells. [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/article/wells96typability.html "Typability and type checking in the second-order lambda-calculus are equivalent and undecidable."] Tech. Rep. 93-011, Comput. Sci. Dept., Boston Univ., 1993.]Problems related to
abstract machine s* The
halting problem (determining whether aTuring machine (or equivalent) halts or runs forever).
* Thebusy beaver problem (determining the length of the longest halting computation among machines of a specified size).
*Rice's theorem states that for all non-trivial properties of partial functions, it is undecidable whether a machine computes a partial function with that property.Other problems
* The
Post correspondence problem .
* Theword problem for groups .
* The word problem for certainformal languages .
* The problem of determining if a given set ofWang tile s can tile the plane.
* The problem of determining theKolmogorov complexity of a string.
* Determination of the solvability of a Diophantine equation, known asHilbert's tenth problem
* Determining whether two finite simplicial complexes are homeomorphic
* Determining whether thefundamental group of a finite simplicial complex is trivial
* Determining if acontext-free grammar generates all possible strings, or if it is ambiguous.
* Given two context-free grammars, determining whether they generate the same set of strings, or whether one generates a subset of the strings generated by the other, or whether there is any string at all that both generate.
* Determining whether a given initial point with rational coordinates is periodic, or whether it lies in the basin of attraction of a given open set, in a piecewise-linear iterated map in two dimensions, or in a piecewise-linear flow in three dimensions.Partial Bibliography
cite book | last = Brookshear | first = J. Glenn | title = Theory of Computation: Formal Languages, Automata, and Complexity | year = 1989 | publisher = Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. | location = Redwood City, California Appendix C includes impossibility of algorithms deciding if a grammar contains ambiguities, and impossibility of verifying program correctness by an algorithm as example of Halting Problem.
cite book | last = Moret | first = B. M. E. | co-author = H. D. Shapiro | title = Algorithms from P to NP, volume 1 - Design and Efficiency | year = 1991 | publisher = Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. | location = Redwood City, California Discusses intractability of problems with algorithms having exponential performance in Chapter 2, "Mathematical techniques for the analysis of algorithms."
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