Deodatus of Nevers

Deodatus of Nevers
Saint Deodatus of Nevers

The Glorification of Deodatus
Born possibly Ireland
Died 679 AD
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Feast June 19
Attributes depicted with hand stretching to thunder clouds or exorcising a woman
Patronage invoked for rain, and against thunderstorm, evil spirits, and plague[1]

Deodatus (Dié, Didier, Dieudonné, Déodat, Adéodat) of Nevers (d. June 19, ca. 679 AD) was a bishop of Nevers from 655. Deodatus lived with Arbogast in the monastery of Ebersheim, established by Childeric II near Sélestat in the forest of Hagenau.



Deodatus' establishment of the monastery Juncturae (Jointures) in the present town of Saint-Dié followed his appointment as the bishop of Nevers. He placed Jointures under the Rule of Saint Columban (later changed to that of Saint Benedict).

He baptized the son of Saint Hunna (Una), who was also named Deodatus and who is also venerated as a saint.[2] Hunna's son became a monk at Ebersheim.

After 664 Deodatus renounced his see to withdraw to the so-called valley of "Galilaea" in the Vosges, where he lived as a hermit in a cell.

Tradition states that he died in the arms of Saint Hidulphus, bishop of Treves.


The town of Saint-Dié grew up around the monastery of Jointures. However, some sources connect the name with an earlier saint, Deodatus of Blois (d. 525).[3]

The Consecration of Deodatus


  1. ^ Saints of June 19
  2. ^ Patron Saints Index: Saint Hunna
  3. ^ Saint Patrick's Church: Saints of April 24

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