List of birds of San Marino

List of birds of San Marino

This is a list of the bird species recorded in San Marino. The avifauna of San Marino includes a total of 96 species, none of which are introduced or endemic.

This list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follow the conventions of the Association of European Records and Rarities Committees (AERC).

wans, Geese and Ducks

Order: AnseriformesFamily: Anatidae
*Mallard "Anas platyrhynchos"

Pheasants and Partridges

Order: GalliformesFamily: Phasianidae
*Common Quail "Coturnix coturnix"


Order: PodicipediformesFamily: Podicipedidae
*Little Grebe "Tachybaptus ruficollis"
*Great Crested Grebe "Podiceps cristatus"

Hawks, Kites and Eagles

Order: FalconiformesFamily: Accipitridae
*Honey Buzzard "Pernis apivorus"
*Black Kite "Milvus migrans"
*Eurasian Sparrowhawk "Accipiter nisus"
*Common Buzzard "Buteo buteo"


Order: FalconiformesFamily: Pandionidae
*Osprey "Pandion haliaetus"


Order: FalconiformesFamily: Falconidae
*Eurasian Kestrel "Falco tinnunculus"
*Peregrine Falcon "Falco peregrinus"

Rails, Crakes, and Coots

Order: GruiformesFamily: Rallidae
*Water Rail "Rallus aquaticus"
*Common Moorhen "Gallinula chloropus"
*Eurasian Coot "Fulica atra"

andpipers and allies

Order: CharadriiformesFamily: Scolopacidae
*Common Sandpiper "Actitis hypoleucos"


Order: CharadriiformesFamily: Laridae
*Black-headed Gull "Larus ridibundus"

Pigeons and Doves

Order: ColumbiformesFamily: Columbidae
*Rock Pigeon "Columba livia"
*Stock Pigeon "Columba oenas"
*Wood Pigeon "Columba palumbus"
*Collared Dove "Streptopelia decaocto"
*Turtle Dove "Streptopelia turtur"


Order: CuculiformesFamily: Cuculidae
*Common Cuckoo "Cuculus canorus"

Barn owls

Order: StrigiformesFamily: Tytonidae
*Barn Owl "Tyto alba"

Typical owls

Order: StrigiformesFamily: Strigidae
*Little Owl "Athene noctua"
*Tawny Owl "Strix aluco"
*Long-eared Owl "Asio otus"


Order: CaprimulgiformesFamily: Caprimulgidae
*Eurasian Nightjar "Caprimulgus europaeus"


Order: ApodiformesFamily: Apodidae
*Common Swift "Apus apus"


Order: CoraciiformesFamily: Alcedinidae
*Common Kingfisher "Alcedo atthis"


Order: CoraciiformesFamily: Upupidae
*Hoopoe "Upupa epops"


Order: PiciformesFamily: Picidae
*Eurasian Wryneck "Jynx torquilla"
*Green Woodpecker "Picus viridis"
*Black Woodpecker "Dryocopus martius"
*Great Spotted Woodpecker "Dendrocopos major"
*Lesser Spotted Woodpecker "Dendrocopos minor"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Alaudidae
*Wood Lark "Lullula arborea"
*Eurasian Skylark "Alauda arvensis"

wallows and Martins

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Hirundinidae
*Sand Martin "Riparia riparia"
*Barn Swallow "Hirundo rustica"
*House Martin "Delichon urbica"

Pipits and Wagtails

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Motacillidae
*Meadow Pipit "Anthus pratensis"
*Yellow Wagtail "Motacilla flava"
*Grey Wagtail "Motacilla cinerea"
*White Wagtail "Motacilla alba"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Troglodytidae
*Winter Wren "Troglodytes troglodytes"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Prunellidae
*Dunnock "Prunella modularis"

Thrushes and allies

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Turdidae
*European Robin "Erithacus rubecula"
*Common Nightingale "Luscinia megarhynchos"
*Black Redstart "Phoenicurus ochruros"
*Common Redstart "Phoenicurus phoenicurus"
*Whinchat "Saxicola rubetra"
*European Stonechat "Saxicola rubicola"
*Northern Wheatear "Oenanthe oenanthe"
*Eurasian Blackbird "Turdus merula"
*Fieldfare "Turdus pilaris"
*Song Thrush "Turdus philomelos"
*Redwing "Turdus iliacus"
*Mistle Thrush "Turdus viscivorus"

Old World warblers

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Sylviidae
*Reed Warbler "Acrocephalus scirpaceus"
*Blackcap "Sylvia atricapilla"
*Garden Warbler "Sylvia borin"
*Greater Whitethroat "Sylvia communis"
*Lesser Whitethroat "Sylvia curruca"
*Common Chiffchaff "Phylloscopus collybita"
*Goldcrest "Regulus regulus"
*Firecrest "Regulus ignicapillus"

Old World flycatchers

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Muscicapidae
*Spotted Flycatcher "Muscicapa striata"

Long-tailed tits

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Aegithalidae
*Long-tailed Tit "Aegithalos caudatus"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Paridae
*Marsh Tit "Poecile palustris"
*Coal Tit "Periparus ater"
*Blue Tit "Cyanistes caeruleus"
*Great Tit "Parus major"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Sittidae
*Eurasian Nuthatch "Sitta europaea"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Certhiidae
*Short-toed Treecreeper "Certhia brachydactyla"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Oriolidae
*Eurasian Golden Oriole "Oriolus oriolus"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Laniidae
*Red-backed Shrike "Lanius collurio"

Jays, Magpies and Crows

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Corvidae
*Eurasian Jay "Garrulus glandarius"
*Eurasian Magpie "Pica pica"
*Eurasian Jackdaw "Corvus monedula"
*Rook "Corvus frugilegus"
*Carrion Crow "Corvus corone"
*Common Raven "Corvus corax"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Sturnidae
*European Starling "Sturnus vulgaris"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Passeridae
*Eurasian Tree Sparrow "Passer montanus"
*Italian Sparrow "Passer hispaniolensis italiae"


Order: PasseriformesFamily: Fringillidae
*Chaffinch "Fringilla coelebs"
*Brambling "Fringilla montifringilla"
*European Serin "Serinus serinus"
*European Greenfinch "Carduelis chloris"
*European Goldfinch "Carduelis carduelis"
*Eurasian Siskin "Carduelis spinus"
*Eurasian Linnet "Carduelis cannabina"
*Hawfinch "Coccothraustes coccothraustes"

Buntings, Sparrows, Seedeaters and allies

Order: PasseriformesFamily: Emberizidae
*Yellowhammer "Emberiza citrinella"
*Ortolan Bunting "Emberiza hortulana"
*Reed Bunting "Emberiza schoeniclus"
*Corn Bunting "Emberiza calandra"

ee also

*List of birds
*Lists of birds by region


*cite web
last = Lepage
first = Denis
authorlink =
coauthors =
year =
url =
title = Checklist of birds of San Marino
format =
work = Bird Checklists of the World
publisher = Avibase
accessdate = 26 April
accessyear = 2007

*cite book
title=Birds of the World: a Checklist
first= James F.
last = Clements
publisher = Cornell University Press
date = 2000
id = ISBN 0934797161
pages = 880

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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