Wallace H. Coulter

Wallace H. Coulter

Wallace H. Coulter (February 17, 1913 – August 7, 1998) was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and businessman. He is best known for his discovery of the Coulter principle, which provided a methodology for counting, measuring and evaluating microscopic particles suspended in fluid. His invention of the Coulter Counter made possible today’s most common medical diagnostic test: the complete blood count (CBC).

Recognized as one of the most influential inventors of the twentieth century, Wallace Coulter studied electronics as a student at Georgia Tech in the early 1930s. Mr. Coulter developed the "Coulter Principle," a theory that gave birth to both the automated hematology industry and the field of industrial fine particle counting. His "Coulter Counter," a blood cell analyzer, is used to perform one of medicine's most often-requested and informative diagnostic tests, the complete blood count.[1]


Early life and education

Coulter was born in Little Rock, Arkansas on February 17, 1913. He attended high school in Munroe, Arkansas, and went to Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri and later studied electrical engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.[1]

Coulter Corporation

After securing a U.S. patent for the Coulter Counter in 1953, Wallace and his brother Joseph R. Coulter (d. 1998) began the production of the new cell and particle analyzer. Orders and sales continued to increase and, in 1958, the brothers incorporated their company as Coulter Electronics, Inc. and relocated operations to Hialeah, Florida in 1961.[2] Coulter positioned the Coulter Corporation as the leader in the diagnostic industry. In October 1997, the Coulter Corporation was acquired by Beckman Instruments, Inc., and is now known as Beckman Coulter, Inc.[1] Coulter Corporation continues to be one of the largest employers in Miami-Dade county with 1800 employees in 2009.[3]

Wallace H. Coulter Foundation

Coulter established the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation to improve health care through medical research and engineering. The foundation is located in Miami, Florida.[4] In 2006 the foundation was the fifth largest in Florida with $430 million in assets and the sixth largest giver with $22 million in grants.[5]


The science and mathematics building at Coulter's alma mater of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, is named the Coulter Science Center in Wallace's honor. The Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering at Clarkson University is named after him thanks to his contributions as a trustee and due to his Foundation's contributions to the University. The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University is also named after him.


External links

  • US 2656508  Means for counting particles suspended in a fluid, October 20, 1953, Wallace H. Coulter

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