

Penedo is a municipality in the state of Alagoas in Brazil. Its population was 59,968 (2005) and its area is 689 km² [IBGE - [] ] .

Founded in 1614, Penedo lies 173 km from the state capital of Maceió. Penedo has many important examples of Portuguese and Dutch colonial architectures, as well as beautiful landscapes. Among its historically significant buildings are its well preserved churches, which were built through the 18th century. Some of these include:
* Convento de São Francisco e Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Anjos
("Convent of Saint Francis and Church of Our Lady of the Angels")
* Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Corrente
("Church of Our Lady of the Chains")
* Catedral de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos, Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Penedo.
("Cathedral of Our Lady of the Black People's Rosary")

The Casa do Penedo, established in 1992, has as its objective the preservation of the city's artistic and cultural patrimony. In the Casa do Penedo one can find a rich quantity of five centuries of creativity by residents of the São Francisco River Valley.

The history of Penedo can be found in Francisco Alberto Sales's book "Arruando para o Forte".

ee also

*Penedo (itatiaia), a touristic district of Itatiaia. A former Finnish colony.


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