- Poverty tourism
Poverty tourism or poorism [ [http://www.wordspy.com/words/poorism.asp "Poorism"] from WordSpy] is a type of
tourism , much akin toslumming , in which tourists travel to less developed places to observe people living in poverty. [ [http://www.smithsonianmagazine.com/issues/2007/march/presence.php "Next Stop, Squalor"] , by John Lancaster from "Smithsonian Magazine ", March 2007.] Poorism travel tours are popular in places likeIndia ,Ethiopia , and even places that have hadnatural disaster s such ashurricane s andtsunami s. AfterHurricane Katrina ,Louisiana became a big poorism site.Critics say poorism is likened to a kind of
voyeurism , exploiting people less fortunate, snapping pictures and leaving nothing in return. Some poorism tours do use portions of the profits to help out however.ee also
Dark tourism References
External links
* [http://blogs.wsj.com/informedreader/2007/03/15/poorism-comes-to-mumbai/ Wall Street Journal]
* [http://www.poorism.com/ Poorism.com]
* [http://travel.guardian.co.uk/article/2006/may/07/delhi.india.ethicalliving Guardian on poorism]
* [http://www.boingboing.net/2006/05/08/poorism_tourism_in_s.html "Tours through India"]
* [http://www.gadling.com/2007/02/26/poorism-in-india/ "Poorism" in India - Gadling]
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