- W. Richard West, Jr.
W. Richard West, Jr. (b. San Bernardino,
California ,January 6 ,1943 ) is the founding and current director of theSmithsonian National Museum of the American Indian . He is also a citizen of theCheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma and aPeace Chief of theSouthern Cheyenne . West has devoted his professional life and much of his personal life to working with American Indians on cultural, educational, legal and governmental issues.Before becoming director of the National Museum of the American Indian, West was a partner in the
Washington, D.C. , office ofFried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson , and, subsequently, in the Indian-ownedAlbuquerque law firm ofGover, Stetson, Williams & West, P.C. He served as general counsel and special counsel to numerous tribes and organizations. In that capacity, he represented clients before federal, state and tribal courts, various executive departments of theU.S. Federal Government and the Congress.West was born in
San Bernardino, California , and grew up inMuskogee, Oklahoma . He is the son of American Indian master artist, the lateWalter Richard West Sr. , and Maribelle McCrea West. He earned a B.A. in American history graduatingmagna cum laude in 1965 and graduatedPhi Beta Kappa from theUniversity of Redlands in California. He also received a master's degree in American history fromHarvard University in 1968. West graduated from theStanford University School of Law with a doctor of jurisprudence degree in 1971, where he also was the recipient of theHilmer Oehlmann Jr. Prize for excellence in legal writing and served as an editor and note editor of the "Stanford Law Review ". West is married to the former Mary Beth Braden, who is a professor of political science at theNational Defense University ,Industrial College of the Armed Forces . They have two adult children, Amy and Ben.West has recently been the subject of controversy after the Washington Post exposed lavish travel expenses and a gala farewell celebration during his tenure in the Smithsonian. This is part of a general crackdown on Smithsonian expenses by the
General Accounting Office . West has stated that the travel was for museum business and approved by supervisors.External links
* [ W. Richard West, Jr. biography] from National Museum of the American Indian site
* [http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itsv/1204/ijse/west.htm W. Richard West, Jr. biography]
*http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_41_18/ai_95358032 W. Richard West, Jr. interview]
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/27/AR2007122702515.html Article on museum expense at Washington Post.]Listening
* [http://books.nap.edu/readingroom/books/techgap/media/wwest.html W. Richard West, Jr. interview]
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