CROBEX is the official share index of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. It currently includes 30 different stocks and it is calculated continuously during the trade using the latest stock prices. It is measured using free float market capitalization, where the weight of each constituent stock is limited to 20%.

List of included stocks

"Valid as of April, 2007"

* Adris grupa
* AD Plastik
* Arenaturist
* Atlantska plovidba
* Badel 1862
* Belišće
* Belje
* Dalekovod
* Dom holding
* Đuro Đaković holding
* Ericsson Nikola Tesla
* HUP Zagreb
* Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske
* Jadroplov
* Karlovačka banka
* Končar elektroindustrija
* Luka Ploče
* Luka Rijeka
* Petrokemija
* Podravka
* Podravska banka
* Privredna banka Zagreb
* Riviera Poreč
* Slatinska banka
* Tankerska plovidba
* Tehnika
* Uljanik plovidba
* Viadukt
* Viro


It began to be published on September 1, 1997, and the base date is July 1, 1997, when its base value was 1000 points.

For a long time, the Pliva stock was one of the main constituents of the index, before the company was sold and de-listed.

As of April, 2007, its value is around 4500 points.

Inclusion criteria

Stocks need to meet the following requirements in order to be included into CROBEX:

* they have to be traded in more than 90% of the total number of trade days in the selected time period
* their free float market capitalization has to be among the first 20% of stocks ordered according to the said parameter on the last day of the selected time period
* traffic has to exceed 0.5% of the total share traffic in the time period observed

The index is revised every third Friday of March and September. The Index Commission can revise the index if the following extraordinary events happen:
* bankruptcy or liquidation of a company, increase or decrease in the base capital of a company, takeover, merger.
* removal of a stock listing
* long-term suspension of trade of a stockThere are also other circumstances related to the issuer or the stock that can affect the quality of the CROBEX index that can cause the Commission to revise the index.

A special revision can happen to include a new stock in the index in case the stock satisfies the following criteria in the first 30 days since its listing date:

* trade in 100% of the total number of trade days
* free float market capitalization among the first 15% of stocks
* traffic exceeding 0.75% of the total traffic

ee also

* Zagreb Stock Exchange

External links

* [ CROBEX at the Zagreb Stock Exchange web site]
* [,0.html CROBEX chart @]

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