INA - Industrija nafte

INA - Industrija nafte

company_name = INA - Industrija nafte
company_logo =
company_type = Public (ZSE: INA-R-A)(LSE)
company_slogan =
foundation = 1963
location = flagicon|CRO Zagreb, Croatia
key_people = Tomislav Dragičević, President
num_employees = 15,855 (2007)
industry = Oil and Gas
products = Oil and Gas
revenue = profit 25.848 billion HRK (2007)
homepage = []

INA - Industrija nafte, or INA for short, is the national oil company of Croatia.

It was founded in 1963. It is currently owned by the Republic of Croatia (represented by the Croatian Government), with minority stakes by the Hungarian oil company MOL (25%), private investors (15%) and the "Fond hrvatskih branitelja", the veterans fund (7%). Its stock is listed at the Zagreb Stock Exchange and through GDRs at the London Stock Exchange.

The main INA company is involved in research and production of oil and gas, deriving oil and the trade of oil and oil derivatives. The INA Grupa is the group of daughter-companies, including PROplin which deals with liquified natural gas, Crosco which deals in oil services, STSI for technical services and Maziva-Zagreb which produces lubricants. INA also owns a stake in JANAF, the Adriatic oil pipeline.

The unit of INA Trgovina in Serbia unilaterally formed a separate company on December 7, 1990, during the Yugoslav wars, and by 1991, this new company started to operate all INA properties in Serbia, including 200 petrol stations, nine warehouses, around a hundred trucks and 40 tank-trucks, and several vehicle maintenance shops. In May 1992 they were renamed to "Beopetrol". On September 26, 2003, the Privatization Agency of the Government of Serbia sold Beopetrol to Lukoil.

External links

* [ INA official web site]

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