- Wall wart
These plugs have been criticised, hence the name wall wart. Problems with this type of power supply include:
* Size - the power supply may obscure other power points;
* Weight - the weight of the power supply may cause it to fall out of the power socket (this depends on the socket design of the country in question);
* Inefficiency - typically wall warts are low efficiency, wasting electrical energy. Some also use power even when the attached device is not in use or absent. (Since wasted electrical energy is released asheat energy , an inefficient power supply will feel warm to the touch, as will one that wastes power with nothing connected.) Switch-mode adapters are much more efficient, and will not release noticeable heat even while being used.The problem of inefficiency of power supplies has become more well known, with
George W. Bush referring to such devices as "Energy Vampires" Fact|date=September 2008. Legislation is being enacted in the EU and a number of states, including California, to reduce the level of waste caused by these devices. Seestandby power and theOne Watt Initiative .External links
* [http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,87100,00.asp Bush Takes Aim at "Wall Warts"] - Extreme Tech article
* [http://powerelectronics.com/power_systems/news/consumer-survey-wall-warts-0528/ Survey Finds Consumers Grow Weary of Wall Warts] - Power Electronics Technology article on consumer concerns about wall warts.
* [http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/09/google_pushes_f.php Google Pushes for PC Electrical Efficiency; Side Effect: No More Wall-Warts] - Treehugger.com article on Google statement on power use of electrical devices
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