- Lykaia
Ancient Greece , the Lykaia (Greek: λυκαια) was an archaic festival with a secret ritual on the slopes of Mount Lykaion ("Wolf Mountain"), the tallest peak in rusticArcadia . The rituals and myths of this primitiverite of passage centered upon an ancient threat ofcannibalism and the possibility of awerewolf transformation for the "epheboi" (adolescent males) who were the participants. The festival occurred yearly, probably at the beginning of May. [Arthur Bernard Cook , "Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion" I (Cambridge: Cambridge UP) 1914 ( [http://phoenixandturtle.net/excerptmill/Cook2.htm on-line excerpt] ) citing P. Welzel, "De Iove et Pane dis Arcadicis" (Bratislava 1879) p. 23 n. 5, on the strength of Xen. 1. 2. 10 (at Peltai) and Walter Immerwahr, "Die Kulte und Mythen Arkadiens" (Leipzig 1891) pp. 20f.]The epithet "Lykaios" ("wolf-Zeus") is assumed by
Zeus only in connection with the Lykaia, which was the main Arcadian festival. Zeus had only a formal connection as patron of the ritual. In the founding myth, of Lycaon's ["He is related to the wolf even in his name, Lykaon." (Burkert, 1983:86).] banquet for the gods that included the flesh of a human sacrifice, [Pseudo-Apollodorus. "Bibliotheke ", 3.98-3.99.] perhaps one of his sons,Nyctimus [According toLycophron and others.] or his grandson,Arcas , [According to "Catasterismi ", following (lost) reference ofHesiod .] Zeus overturned the table and struck the house of Lyceus with a thunderbolt; [Some versions of the story of the Deluge were initiated by this episode, e.g. Pseudo-Apollodorus ("Bibliotheke" 3.98-3.99), Ovid ("Metamorphoses", 1.240ff), Hyginus ("Fabula", 176).] his patronage at the Lykaia can have been little more than a formula. [A morphological connection to "lyke" "brightness" may be merely fortuitous, but see Cook 1914:63-69 "Zeus Lýkaios: Wolf-god or Light-god?"] Long afterward, in the late third century CE, the philosopher Porphyry reported ["On Abstinence"] thatTheophrastus had compared the sacrifice "at the Lykaia in Arcadia" with Carthaginian sacrifices toMoloch .The ritual was nocturnal, to judge from the name of
Nyctimus ("nyx", "night"). Rumors of the ceremony that circulated among other Greeks revolved around the theme ofhuman sacrifice andcannibalism : according toPlato , a particular clan would gather on the mountain to make a sacrifice every nine years to Zeus Lykaios, and a single morsel of human entrails would be intermingled with the animal's. Whoever ate the human flesh was said to turn into a wolf, and could only regain human form if he did not eat again of human flesh until the next nine-year cycle had ended. [Plato. "Republic", 565d-e.] Pausanias told of the Olympic boxing championDamarchus of Parrhasia, who had "turned into a wolf at the sacrifice to Zeus Lykaios, and changed back into a man again in the ninth year thereafter", [Pausanias. "Description of Greece ", 6.8.2.] from which Burkert affirms that, for Damarchus to have successfully participated at least nine years later, the participants in the ritual feast must have been ephebes. [Burkert, 1983:86ff.]There were several sites. At the summit on Mount Lykaion Pausanias saw the ash-pile altar to Zeus [For primitive ash mounds at sacrificial sites, see W. Kramer, "Prähistorische Brandopferplätze" "Helvetica antiqua" (1966) pp. 111-22, noted by Burkert 1983.] but, as attending the rite was impossible, he was obliged to "let it be as it is and as it was from the beginning". [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", 8.38.7.]
Near the ancient ash-heap where the sacrifices took place was a forbidden precinct in which, allegedly, no shadows were ever cast. Anyone who entered would have to be sacrificed. [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", 8.38.6.] There was the cave of
Rhea , the "Kretaia", where, according to local legend, Zeus was born and was cared for by thenymph s. There were games associated with the satisfactory completion of the Lykaia, [Arkadia — Lykaion — 4th c. BC - A Panhellenic List of Lycaeonicae [http://epigraphy.packhum.org/inscriptions//main?url=oi%3Fikey%3D32707%26bookid%3D12 Epigraphical Database] ] which removed in the fourth century toMegalopolis ; when it was founded in 371 BCE, Megalopolis was the first urbanization in rustic Arcadia; there the major temple was dedicated to Zeus Lykaios, though the Arcadians continued to sacrifice on the mountain-top to Pausanias' day (second century CE).Modern archaeologists have found no trace of human remains among the sacrificial detritus, [
Walter Burkert , "Lykaia and Lykaion", "Homo Necans", tr. by Peter Bing (University of California) 1983, p. 90; the recent archaeology has found many animal bones in the ash-heap altar, but still no human ones.] but recent discoveries at the mountain-top ash-heap altar that Pausanias saw but was reluctant to pry into, reveal that it was much older than the Classical Greeks themselves realised. Early twenieth-century excavbations at the site had revealed nothing earlier than ca. 700 BCE, but the Greek-American interdisciplinary Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project excavated a trench and detected ritual presence at the site at the beginning of the third millennium BCE, [Early Helladic pottery sherds were recovered; finds showed the site was in unbroken use to theHellenistic period.] a thousand years before Zeus was worshiped in Greece. [ [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080123114601.htm (Science Daily) ""New Discoveries At The Ash Altar Of Zeus Offer Insights Into Origins Of Ancient Greece's Most Powerful God", 28 January 2008] Accessed 16 July 2008.] ALate Minoan rock crystal seal bearing the image of a bull was a notable surprise.Apollo Lykaios
Apollo, too had an archaic wolf-form, "Apollo Lycaeus", worshipped in Athens at the Lykeion, or
Lyceum , which was made memorable as the site whereAristotle walked and taught.Lykaian Pan
A sanctuary of Pan was also located upon the mountain. [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", 8.38.5.] According to tradition, Euandros, son of Hermes, led a colony from Pallantion in Arkadia into Italy, where he built a town Pallantion on the Palatine, and introduced the cult of Pan Lýkaios and the festival of the Lykaia, which later became the major Roman festival of
Lupercalia . [Cook 1914, ( [http://phoenixandturtle.net/excerptmill/Cook2.htm on-line excerpt] ), citing Kourouniotes via Pauly-Wissowa "Real-Enc." vi. 839ff.]Modern Lykaia
In 1973, the Ano Karyes Association "Lykaios Dias" established the modern Lykaia, which are held every four years on the same place as the ancient games. The motto of these games is "Stefanites and not Chrimatites" (Greek: "Στεφανίτες" και όχι "Χρηματίτες"), meaning that the purpose of these games is solely the moral perfection of man and not rewarding the winners with pecuniary means. Modern Lykaia are usually held in the beginning of August. The games begin with the lighting of the flame on the Arcadian's sacred peak. The Estiades of Mount Lykaion, making their appearance from the north, bring the Arcadian's eternal flame. The first Estiada walks slowly towards the southern pillar base (where two golden eagles were placed in ancient times) and lights the torch. The head priestess recites the Lycean Ode by
Pindarus and then gives the torch to an athlete named as torch-bearer. The torch-bearer then runs into the stadium and lights the altar which is placed there. The closing ceremony includes cultural events, the lowering of the flag and the playing of the Greece's national anthem. The winner of each athletic event is awarded with an olive branch, a cup, a tripod, a medal or a diploma. All the athletes who participated-regardless of their performance-receive a certificate of participation, thus justifying the Games' motto. The lastLykaia were held from the 29th of July to the 7th of August 2005. The next games will take place in the summer of 2009.References
*Potamianos, K. "Mount Lykaion Throughout the Centuries". Edition of the Kotylio Association, Athens 2005.
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