

name = "Protoceratids"

image_caption = "Synthetoceras"
image_width = 150px
fossil_range = Middle Eocene to Early Pliocenecite book |last=Prothero |first=D.R. |authorlink= |coauthors= |editor=Janis, C.M.; Scott, K.M.; and Jacobs, L.L. (eds.)|title=Evolution of Tertiary mammals of North America |edition= |year=1998 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |isbn=0521355192 |pages=431-438 |chapter=Protoceratidae ]
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Artiodactyla
subordo = Tylopoda
familia = †Protoceratidae
subdivision_ranks = Subfamilies and Genera
subdivision =†Leptotragulinae
* †"Heteromeryx"
* †"Leptoreodon"
* †"Leptotragulus"
* †"Poabromylus"
* †"Toromeryx"
* †"Trigenicus"†Protoceratinae
* †"Paratoceras"
* †"Protoceras"
* †"Pseudoprotoceras"†Synthetoceratinae
* †"Kyptoceras"
* †"Prosynthetoceras"
* †"Synthetoceras"
* †"Syndyoceras"

Protoceratidae are an extinct, herbivorous group of North American even-toed ungulates. Physically, they resembled deer; however, they were more closely related to camelids. They ranged from 1 to 2 meters in length, from about the size of a Roe Deer to an Elk. Unlike many modern ungulates, they lacked a cannon bone in their legs. Their dentition was similar to that of modern deer and cattle, suggesting that they fed on tough grasses and similar foodstuffs, with a complex stomach similar to that of camels. It is believed that at least some forms lived in herds [cite book |editor=Palmer, D.|year=1999 |title= The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals|publisher= Marshall Editions|location=London|pages= 272-273|isbn= 1-84028-152-9] .

The most dramatic feature of the protoceratids, however, were the horns of the males. In addition to having horns in the more usual place, protoceratids had additional, rostral, horns above their nose. These horns were either paired, as in "Syndyoceras", or fused at the base, and branching into two near the tip, as in "Synthetoceras". In life the horns were probably covered with skin, much like the ossicones of a giraffe. The females were either hornless, or had far smaller horns than the males, and were therefore probably used in sexual display or competition for mates. In later forms, the horns were large enough to have been used in sparring between males, much as with the antlers of some modern deercite book |author= Savage, RJG, & Long, MR|year=1986 |title= Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide|publisher= Facts on File|location=New York|pages= 222-225|isbn= 0-8160-1194-X] .


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