- Injector
An injector, ejector, steam ejector or steam injector is a pump-like device that uses the
Venturi effect of a converging-diverging nozzle to convert thepressure energy of a motive fluid tovelocity energy which creates a low pressure zone that draws in and entrains a suction fluid and then recompresses the mixed fluids by converting velocity energy back into pressure energy. The motive fluid may be a liquid, steam or any other gas. The entrained suction fluid may be a gas, a liquid, a slurry, or a dust-laden gas stream. [cite book|author=Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W. (Editors)|title=Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook |edition=8th Edition|publisher=McGraw Hill|year=2007|id=ISBN 0-07-142294-3] [cite book|author=Power, Robert B.|title=Steam Jet Ejectors For The Process Industries|edition=First Edition|publisher=McGraw-Hill|year=1993|id=ISBN 0-07-050618-3]The adjacent diagram depicts a typical modern ejector or injector. It consists of a motive fluid inlet nozzle and a converging-diverging outlet nozzle.
Water ,air ,steam , or any other fluid at high pressure provides the motive force at the inlet.The Venturi effect, a particular case of
Bernoulli's principle , applies to the operation of this device. Fluid under high pressure is converted into a high-velocity jet at the throat of the convergent-divergent nozzle which creates a low pressure at that point. The low pressure draws the suction fluid into the convergent-divergent nozzle where it mixes with the motive fluid.In essence, the pressure energy of the inlet motive fluid is converted to
kinetic energy in the form of velocity head at the throat of the convergent-divergent nozzle. As the mixed fluid then expands in the divergent diffuser, the kinetic energy is converted back to pressure energy at the diffuser outlet in accordance with Bernoulli's principle.Depending on the specific application, an injector is commonly also called an "
Eductor-jet pump , awater eductor ", a "vacuum ejector", a "steam-jet ejector", or an "aspirator ".Key design parameters
The compression ratio of the injector, P_2/P_1, is defined as ratio of the injectors's outlet pressure P_2 to the inlet pressure of the suction fluid P_1.
The entrainment ratio of the injector, W_s/W_v, is defined as the amount of motive fluid W_s (in kg/hr) required to entrain and compress a given amount W_v (in kg/hr) of suction fluid..
The compression ratio and the entrainment ratio are key parameters in designing an injector or ejector.
The injector was invented by a Frenchman,
Henri Giffard in 1858 [cite book|author=Strickland L. Kneass|title=Practice and Theory of the Injector|edition=|publisher=John Wiley & Sons (Reprinted by Kessinger Publications, 2007 )|year=1894|id=ISBN 0-548-47587-3] and patented in theUnited Kingdom by Messrs Sharp Stewart & Co. ofGlasgow . Motiveforce was provided at the inlet by a suitable high-pressure fluid.The injector was originally used in the boilers of
steam locomotive s for injecting or pumping the boiler feedwater to and from the boiler. The injector consisted of a body containing a series of three or more nozzles, "cones" or "tubes". The motive steam passed through a nozzle that reduced its pressure below atmospheric and increased the steam velocity. Fresh water was entrained by the steam jet, and both steam and water entered a convergent "combining cone" which mixed them thoroughly so that the water condensed the steam. The condensate mixture then entered a divergent "delivery cone" which slowed down the jet, and thus built up the pressure to above that of the boiler. An overflow was required for excess steam or water to discharge, especially during starting. There was at least onecheck valve between the exit of the injector and the boiler to prevent back flow, and usually a valve to prevent air being sucked in at the overflow.After some initial skepticism resulting from the unfamiliar and superficially paradoxical mode of operation, the injector was widely adopted as an alternative to mechanical pumps in steam-driven locomotives. The injectors were simple and reliable, and they were thermally efficient.
Steam locomotives dominated rail transport from the mid 19th century until the mid 20th century, after which they were superseded by diesel and
electric locomotive s.Uses
The use of injectors (or ejectors) in various industrial applications has become quite common due to their relative simplicity and adaptability. For example:
* To inject
chemicals into the boiler drums of small, stationary, low pressure boilers. In large, high-pressure modern boilers, usage of injectors for chemical dosing is not possible due to their limited outlet pressures.* In
thermal power station s, they are used for the removal of the boilerbottom ash , the removal offly ash from the hoppers of theelectrostatic precipitator s used to remove that ash from the boilerflue gas , and for creating a vacuum pressure insteam turbine exhaust condensers.* For use in producing a vacuum pressure in
steam jet cooling systems.* For the bulk handling of
grains or other granular or powdered materials.* The construction industry uses them for pumping
turbid water and slurries.Similar devices called
aspirator s based on the same operating principle are used inlaboratories to create a partial vacuum and for medical use insuction of mucus or bodily fluids.Multi-stage steam ejectors
In practice, for suction pressure below 100
mbar absolute, more than one ejector will be used, usually with condensors between the ejector stages. Condensing of motive steam greatly improves ejector set efficiency. Bothbarometric and shell-and-tubesurface condenser s are used for this purpose.Construction materials
Injectors or ejectors are fabricated in
carbon steel , Stainless steel,titanium ,PTFE ,carbon and other materials.ee also
*De Laval nozzle
*Diffusion pump
*Surface condenser
*Venturi effect References
Additional reading
*cite book|author=J.B. Snell|title=Mechanical Engineering: Railways|edition=|publisher=Arrow Books|year=1973|id=ISBN 0-09-908170-9
*cite book|author=J.T. Hodgson and C.S. Lake|title=Locomotive Management|edition=Tenth Edition|publisher=Tothill Press|year=1954|id=External links
* [http://www.vacuum-guide.com/vacuum_pump/vacuum_ejector/vacuum_ejector_america.htm vacuum-guide.com Injectors manufacturer directory]
* [http://www.croll.com/_website/pr/vetheory.asp Ejector Pumps and Theory]
* [http://www.kinetic-therm.com/content/view/14/38/lang,en/ Ejectors]
* [http://www.muleshoe-eng.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/Eductor.pdf Use of Eductor for Lifting Water]
* [http://www.steamengine.com.au/steam/faq/simple/injector/lunkenheimer/index.html 1908 Lunkenheimer Injector Catalog]
* [http://www.venturi-vacuum.com/ Applied Vacuum CC]
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