Fred W. Friendly

Fred W. Friendly

::"Fred Friendly should not be confused with Ed Friendly."

Fred W. Friendly (October 30, 1915 – March 3, 1998) was the former president of CBS News and the creator, with Edward R. Murrow, of the documentary television program "See It Now".

Early career

Friendly was born Ferdinand Friendly Wachenheimer in New York City. A graduate of Nichols Business College, Friendly entered radio in the 1930s at a radio station in Providence, RI. By the 1940s he was an experienced radio producer. It was in this role that Friendly (who changed his name during his Providence days) first worked with Murrow on the Columbia Records historical albums, "I Can Hear It Now".

The first entry in the series, released on Thanksgiving Day 1948, covered the crisis/war years 1933–1945. It was a groundbreaker in that it used actual clips of radio news coverage and speeches of the major events during that 12-year time span. Friendly came up with the idea after noticing the then-new use of audiotape in regular radio news coverage, as opposed to wire or disc recordings. Still Friendly periodically recreated the recordings of news events when such recordings didn't exist or were considered too chaotic to use on an album [] . CBS correspondent David Schoenbrun, in his memoir "On and Off the Air", said he was once forced by Friendly to ask Charles de Gaulle if he would recreate the speech he gave upon his return to Paris (de Gaulle refused). The recreations were never identified as such, and trying to separate the real from the fake continues to be a problem for radio historians.

Although Murrow was an established CBS name and Columbia Records was then owned by CBS, Friendly's next full-time work came as a news producer at NBC. It was there that Friendly came up with the idea for the news-oriented quiz show "Who Said That?", hosted by NBC newsman Robert Trout. Friendly later wrote, directed and produced the summer 1950 NBC Radio series "The Quick and the Dead", about the development of the atomic bomb, which featured Trout, Bob Hope and "New York Times" writer Bill Laurence, who had won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Manhattan Project).

CBS years

After the success of "The Quick and the Dead," Friendly was recruited to work full-time for CBS by news executive Sig Mickelson. That fall, Murrow and Friendly teamed to produce a CBS Radio documentary series inspired by their record albums — a weekly show called "Hear It Now" and hosted by Murrow. The show moved to TV as "See It Now" on Sunday, November 18, 1951.

Murrow and Friendly broadcast a revealing "See It Now" documentary analysis on Senator Joseph McCarthy (airing March 9, 1954) which has been credited with changing the public view of McCarthy, and being a key event in McCarthy's fall from power. It was an extension of the duo's continuing probe of the fight between McCarthy's anti-Communist crusade and individual rights.

Murrow and Friendly had done a notable "See It Now" episode on the topic the previous fall, when the show probed the case of Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Milo Radulovich, who had lost his security clearance because of the supposed leftist leanings of his sister and father — evidence the Air Force kept sealed. Five weeks later, Radulovich was reinstated by the secretary of the Air Force.

After "See It Now" ended in summer 1958, Murrow and Friendly worked together on its successor, "CBS Reports," though Friendly alone was executive producer and Murrow no more than an occasional reporter/narrator. Their most famous "CBS Reports" installment — the probe of migrant farm workers "Harvest of Shame" — aired in November 1960 and is still considered one of TV's finest single programs.

Friendly continued to oversee several notable "CBS Reports" documentaries after Murrow's 1961 departure from the network, including "Who Speaks for Birmingham?," "Birth Control and the Law" and "The Business of Heroin."

Under CBS President James T. Aubrey, Jr. the pressures on CBS News operations increased. Aubrey fought constantly with Friendly. Friendly felt Aubrey was insufficiently concerned with public affairs and in his memoir, "Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control", recounts one budget meeting at CBS when Aubrey talked at length of how much money the news was costing the company, a sea of red ink that could be stopped by replacing news with more entertainment programs. However, CBS executive William S. Paley supported the news and protected Friendly's division from Aubrey's proposed budget cuts.

In 1962 Aubrey ordered that there would be fewer specials, both entertainment and news, because he felt interruptions to the schedule alienated viewers by disrupting their routine viewing, sending them to the competition. Friendly resented this move. In 1965, to Friendly's relief, Aubrey was fired.

CBS resignation

In 1966 he resigned from CBS when the network ran a scheduled episode of "The Lucy Show" instead of the first United States Senate hearings questioning American involvement in Vietnam. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Friendly Quits C.B.S. News Post In Dispute Over Vietnam Hearing; Friendly Quits C.B.S. News Post In Dispute Over Vietnam Hearing |url= |quote=Fred W. Friendly resigned yesterday as president of the Columbia Broadcasting System News Division in protest against working under a new superior who canceled live coverage of last Thursday's hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. |work=New York Times |date=February 16, 1966 |accessdate=2008-07-18 ] Onetime CBS News President Dick Salant, the legendary executive who preceded and later succeeded Friendly in the role, wrote in his memoirs that Friendly's problem was compounded by the fact he could not make such a request directly to the top CBS management (William S. Paley and Frank Stanton), as previous CBS News presidents had. In this case, Friendly had to go through a new executive level, in this case CBS Broadcast Group President Jack Schneider.

Later career

After he left CBS Friendly worked at the Ford Foundation and also created the Media and Society Friendly Seminars, which were renamed the Fred Friendly Seminars after his death. According to Ralph Engelman, "Origins of Public Access Cable Television," 1966-1972, it was during this time that Public Access Television in New York was conceived in 1968 by Fred Friendly, when he was assigned chairman of Mayor John Lindsay's Advisory Task Force on CATV and Telecommunications, and he wrote a report recommending that cable companies set aside two channels the public could lease for a minor fee. He married Ruth Weiss Mark in 1968. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Fred W. Friendly Weds Mrs. Mark |url= |quote=The marriage of Mrs. Ruth Weiss Mark, widow of Sandor Mark, to Fred W. Friendly of Riverdale, the Bronx, took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ... |work=New York Times |date=June 17, 1968 |accessdate=2008-07-18 ]

Later he held the post of Edward R. Murrow Professor of Broadcast Journalism at Columbia University. He played a major role in establishing the PBS network. The broadcast newsroom at Columbia University's School of Journalism is named for Friendly, as is a professorship at the school.

He was the author of several books, including "The Good Guys, The Bad Guys and The First Amendment" (an account of a number of first amendment court cases and particularly of the "Fairness doctrine"), "Minnesota rag" (A history of Near v. Minnesota), "The Constitution: That Delicate Balance", "The Present-minded professor", and "Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control" (about his 16 years at CBS).

In 1988, Friendly produced and hosted a ten-part series on PBS, Ethics in America, on which a panel of leading thinkers debated and discussed modern ethical issues.

In 1990, Friendly received a George Polk Award honoring his career.


Friendly died on March 3, 1998 of a stroke, at his home in Riverdale, Bronx. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=TV news giant Friendly dies: Legacy of integrity and highest standards |url= |quote=Fred Friendly, who put his stamp on a generation of news producers and correspondents as a hands-on executive during the glory days of CBS News in the 1950s and '60s under Edward R. Murrow, died at his home Tuesday after a series of strokes, CBS said Wednesday. He was 82. |work=Variety (magazine) |date=March 5, 1998 |accessdate=2008-07-18 ] [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Fred W. Friendly, CBS Executive and Pioneer in TV News Coverage, Dies at 82 |url= |quote=Fred W. Friendly, the former CBS News executive who was a towering figure in the evolution of news coverage on television, died Tuesday at his home in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. He was 82. |work=New York Times |date=March 5, 1998 |accessdate=2008-07-18 ]


In 2005, actor George Clooney portrayed Friendly in the film "Good Night, and Good Luck." The film depicts the "See it Now" broadcasts that confronted Senator McCarthy.


ee also

*Edward R. Murrow
*Television documentary
*Freedom of speech

External links

* [ The Museum of Broadcast Communications]
* [ 1990 Open Mind Interview "The Power of the Media" Part One at Internet Archive]
* [ 1990 Open Mind Interview "The Power of the Media" Part Two at Internet Archive]
* [ Fred Friendly Seminars]
* [ CNN Obituary]
* [ Columbia University 250: Columbians Ahead of Their Time]
* [ About the Fred Friendly Seminars from]
* [ Brennan Award citation for the Seminars]
* [ How journalism saved one man, and the rest of us, from McCarthyism]

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  • Fred W. Friendly — (* 30. Oktober 1915 in New York, NY; † 3. März 1998; eigentlich Ferdinand Friendly Wachenheimer) war der Schöpfer von See It Now und der ehemalige Präsident von CBS News. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fred W. Friendly — Fred W. Friendly, né le 30 octobre 1915 et décédé le 3 mars 1998, était le président de CBS News et le créateur, avec Edward R. Murrow, d un programme télévisé de reportage du nom de See It Now. George Clooney joue le rôle de Fred Friendly dans… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Fred Friendly — Fred W. Friendly Fred W. Friendly Fred W. Friendly, né le 30 octobre 1915 et décédé le 3 mars 1998, était le président de CBS News et le créateur, avec Edward R. Murrow, d une programme télévisé de reportage du nom de See It Now. George Clooney… …   Wikipédia en Français

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