- Applefest
Applefest is a yearly village-wide food, entertainment and crafts fair, taking place in several towns in the
United States andEngland .Warwick, New York
Warwick, New York , the festival is held on the first Sunday of October and attracts over 40,000 people each year, usually coming from points south (Northern New Jersey and theNew York City area. Applefest has been selected as one of the top ten festivals in the "Top 100 Events in North American" by the American Bus Association. Among the attractions are 275 artisans displaying their handmade jewelry, stained glass, pottery, woodcarvings and many more. [http://www.warwickapplefest.com/about.htm]Hilton, New York
The Hilton Apple Fest, located in
Hilton, New York is also held in October each year and attracts approximately 70,000 visitors. The festival donates $5,000 per year on average to groups such as Ambulance Corps, local libraries, village parks, the Food Shelf, Camp Good Days and Special Times, the Historical Society, Braddock Bay Raptor Research, and other community center projects. [http://hiltonapplefest.org/html/history_.html]Franklin, Pennsylvania
Applefest is also a yearly three-day festival held in
Franklin, Pennsylvania that starts the first Friday of October that attracts over 30,000 people. The three-day event is the largest crafts festival in western Pennsylvania. [http://www.franklin-pa.org/html/aboutfp.htm]The festival includes an apple pancake breakfast, apple-pie-baking and -eating contests, a 5K race, a car show, and more than 300 craft and vendor booths. [http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06274/725948-344.stm] [http://www.franklin-pa.org/html/aboutfp.htm]
Wenatchee, Washington
Washington State Apple Blossom Festival attracts over 100,000 people a year inWenatchee the self-proclaimed "Apple Capital of the World."Other Applefests
Other Applefests include the Tenbury Wells Applefest, held each year in October in
Tenbury Wells inEngland , as well as another held inClarksville, Missouri .External links
* [http://www.warwickapplefest.com/ Warwick Applefest website]
* [http://www.franklinapplefest.com/ Franklin Applefest website]
* [http://www.applefest.org.uk/ Tenbury Applefest website]
* [http://www.appleblossom.org/ Apple Blossom website]
* [http://hiltonapplefest.org/ Hilton Apple Fest website]
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