

name = "Leucopaxillus"

image_caption = "Leucopaxillus albissimus"
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
ordo = Agaricales
familia = Tricholomataceae
genus_authority = Boursier
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
type_species = "Leucopaxillus giganteus"
The genus "Leucopaxillus" contains a small number of fairly large white-spored gilled mushrooms which are found worldwide growing on the ground in woodlands. These are saprotrophs, but may sometimes be ectomycorrhizal. Less than ten species of "Leucopaxillus" are known to grow in North America. No species of "Leucopaxillus" are known to be poisonous, but they do not have an appealing taste or texture.

Members of "Leucopaxillus" are medium sized to large, have a dry convex to depressed cap, an inrolled margin when young, lack a partial veil and have tough flesh. They have white or yellowish gills which can come off in a layer, leaving the underside of the cap smooth. The spores are white, amyloid and spiny. These mushrooms often smell bad and can be mistaken for "Tricholoma" and "Clitocybe", but mushrooms in those genuses are more fragile and rot more quickly. Members of "Leucopaxillus" have antibiotics which make the mushrooms persist much longer than most, making them appear to be more common than they actually are.

elected species

* "Leucopaxillus albissimus"
* "Leucopaxillus gentianeus"
* "Leucopaxillus giganteus"
* "Leucopaxillus macrocephalus"
* "Leucopaxillus paradoxus"
* "Leucopaxillus tricolor"

External links

* [http://www.mushroomexpert.com/leucopaxillus.html Mushroom Expert - The Genus Leucopaxillus - Includes Key]


*Singer, R. & Smith, A. H. (1943). A monograph on the genus "Leucopaxillus" Boursier. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science 28: 85-132.
*Singer, R. & Smith, A. H. (1947). Additional notes on the genus "Leucopaxillus". Mycologia 39:725-736.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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