Musa Anter

Musa Anter

Musa Anter, also known by nickname "Ape Musa" (Kurdish: Apê Musa, literally "Uncle Musa"), (1920, NusaybinSeptember 20, 1992, Diyarbakır), was a dissident Kurdish-Turkish writer and activist.[1] He was a nationalist intellectual and murdered in September 1992.[2]

He was born in the Eskimağra (Zîvîng ) village (Nusaybin District of the Mardin Province). He completed his primary education in Mardin, and then studied at junior and senior high school in Adana. When he was a student, he had been to Syria during his summer holidays and got acquaintance with Kurdish nationalist intellectuals[3] such as Celadet and Kamuran Bedir Khan, Kadri and Ekrem Cemilpaşa, Dr. Nafiz, Nuri Zaza, "Baytar" Nuri (Dersimi), Kadri Can, Osman Sabri, Haco Axa and his son Hasan, Emînê Perîxanê's son Şikriye Emîn, Mala Elyê Unus, and Cîgerxûn.[4]

Abdülkadir Aygan, who was PKK militant and surrendered in 1985,[5] then recruited as part of the first staff of JİTEM (the Turkish Gendarmerie's Intelligence and Counter-terrorism Service)[5], said he had been part of a JİTEM unit, along with a "Hamit" from Şırnak, which had assassinated Musa Anter.[6]

Other sources claim that the perpetrators were PKK defectors Murat Ipek, on orders from Mahmut Yıldırım (alias "Yeşil"),[7] or Yeşil himself.[8]

Turkey was found guilty of this murder in 2006 by the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR), who sentenced Turkey to a fine of 28,500 euros.[9]


  1. ^ A. Hunsicker, The Fine Art of Executive Protection: Handbook for the Executive Protection Officer, Universal-Publishers, 2007, ISBN 9781581129847, p. 67.
  2. ^ David Romero, The Kurdish Nationalist Movement: Opportunity, Mobilization, and Identity, Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN 9780521850414, p. 135.
  3. ^ Ahmet B. Ercilasun, "Gaflet", Yeniçağ, July 21, 2010. (Turkish)
  4. ^ Musa Anter, Hatıralarım, 2. Cilt, Doz Basım ve Yayıncılık, 1990, p. 123. (Turkish)
  5. ^ a b Ümit Cizre, Democratic Oversight and Reform of the Security Sector in Turkey: 2005/2006 Status Report, LIT Verlag Münster, 2007, ISBN 9783037352342, p. 244.
  6. ^ Ünlü, Ferhat (2008-08-25). "Suikastların adresi hep JİTEM'e çıkıyor" (in Turkish). Sabah.,C3735BB84B9D496D963C3646A8B0A5EB.html. Retrieved 2008-08-27. "Sonra da bildiğiniz gibi Şırnaklı Hamit infaz etti Anter'i." [dead link]
  7. ^ "Susurluk" (in Turkish). Ozgur Politika. 1997-02-11. Archived from the original on 1997-10-24. Retrieved 2008-12-13. 
  8. ^ Duvakli, Melik (2009-01-03). "JİTEM behind Anter and Aydın murders, claims Kurdish group". Today's Zaman. Retrieved 2009-01-03. "In a statement to the Diyarbakır Police Department in 1994, PKK informant Muhsin Gül said both Aydın and Anter were killed by Mahmut Yıldırım..." 
  9. ^ Duvakli, Melik. JİTEMs illegal actions cost Turkey a fortune, Today's Zaman, 27 August 2008.

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