- List of Sinclair QL software
Cleanup|date=August 2007.This is a list of software titles produced for the
Sinclair QL personal computer .Notation:
(purpose) by (publisher), first release Utilities
*3D Precision by Digital PrecisionA
*Abacus (Spreadsheet) byPsion (Sinclair ), 1984
*APL Interpreter
*ArcED (coWo)
*Archive (Database) byPsion (Sinclair ), 1984
*Assembler and Linker by Computer One
*Assembler by GST
*Assembler byMetacomco
*Assembler Workbench by Talent----B
*BCPL Compiler byMetacomco
*Beule Tools by Peter Beule----C
*C Compiler (Small C) by GST
*C Compiler by Metacomco
*Cad Pak by Datalink
*Cartridge Doctor by Talent
*Cosmos by Talent
*CST Disk Utilities (Backup, Convert, Filed, Disced, Ramdrive) by CST----D
*Data Design (Database) by The Progs
*Digital C (Small C) by Digital Precision
*DISA (Intelligent Disassebler) by JO
*Disktool & Quickdisk by Ultrasoft
*DJ Toolkit (DJTK)----E
*Easel (Business Graphics) byPsion (Sinclair ), 1984
*EasyPTR by Albin Hessler
*Fibu (Accounting) by eTo soft
*Flashback (Database) by Sector Software
*Forth by Computer One
*Fortran 77 by Prospero----G
*Giga-BASIC by Giga-Soft (ABC Electronic)
*Giga-Crome by Giga-Soft (ABC Electronic)
*Giga-Diassembler with Monitor by Giga-Soft (ABC Electronic)
*Grafix III by Digital Precision
*GraphiQL by Talent----I
*Ice Toolkit by Eidersoft (on eprom)
*IDIS (Intelligent Disassebler) by Digital Precision
*Image D by PDQL----L
*Lightning by Digital Precision
*Lisp Interpreter byMetacomco ----M
*Macro Assembler by GST
*Master Spy (successor of Spy) by Ark
*Menu Extension by JMS
*M-Paint by Medic
*Monitor by Computer One
*Mon QL byHisoft ----N
*Nucelon by Pyramide----P
*Page Designer II by Sector Software
*Paint Master by Shadow Games
*Pascal Compiler by Computer One
*Pascal (ISO 7185/ANSI 770x3.97) by Prospero
*PC Conqueror (IBM PC Emulator, supports MS-DOS 4 and MS-DOS 5) by Digital Precision
*PCB1 by Talent
*PCB CAD by Lear Data Systems
*Peintre by Pyramide
*Perfect Pointer Tools by Ultrasoft
*Perfection by Digital Precision
*Pointer's & Writer's Toolkit by JMS
*Professional Monitor by Compware
*Professional Publisher by Digital Precision----Q
*QD by JMS
*QMON by QJump
*QLOAD (SuperBASIC Fast SAVE/LOAD) by Liberation
*QL Cash Trader
*QL Cosmos
*QL Gardener by GCS (Sinclair )
*QL ICE by Eidersoft
*QL Paint (an edition of GraphiQL) by Talent (Sinclair )
*QL Payroll
*QL Toolbox by Ultrasoft
*QLiberator Basic Compiler by Liberation
*QPAC by QJump
*QPAC2 by QJump
*QPTR by QJump
*QTYP by QJump
*QRAM by QJump
*QREF (SuperBASIC Cross Reference) by Liberation
*QTop (Desk, Clock, Demos, Animator, Index, Snap) by coWo, 1989
*Quick Layout by Gollmann
*Quill (Word Processor) byPsion (Sinclair ), 1984
*QZ II by Sector Software
*Q-Draw byPsion , 1985----R
*RPM Resident Procedure Manager by Liberation----S
*Spellbound interactive spelling checker by Sector Software 1987
*Spy by Ark
*SuperBASIC Externsion byHisoft
*SuperCharge (SuperBASIC compiler) by Digital Precision
*SuperForth (with Reversi an Othello game) by Digital Precision
*SuperMedia Manager by Digital Precision
*SuperSprite Generator by Digital Precision
*SuperToolkit II by QJump (Care)----T
*Task Master multitasking front end by Sector Software 1987
*TechniQL (CAD software) by Talent
*Text87 plus4 (Word Processor) by Software87
*The Painter by The Progs, 1988/1990
*Thing & EPROM Manager by JMS
*Thor-Desk by coWo, 1988
*Toolkit III by Ultrasoft
*Touch Typist typing tutor by Sector Software 1985
*Turbo (SuperBASIC compiler) by Digital Precision, 1987----U
*USCD Fortran-77 by TDI
*USCD Pascal by TDI
*USCD Toolkit by TDI----X
*XCHANGE (Office) byPsion (CST)Games
3D Slime----AAssault & Battery by Kaos Software----B
*BK in 3DLand*BJ Returns
*Blocklands Warrior
*Brain Smasher by JMS
*Bridge Player 2 by C.P.Software----C
*Chess byPsion (Psion ,Sinclair )
*Crazy Painter byMicrodeal ----D
*Diamonds by JMS
*Double Block (Tetris ) by CGH
*D-Day by CGH----E
*Eagle by Eidersoft
*Executive Adventure by Gemini----F
*Fleet Tactical Command by DI-REN
*Flightdeck by Deltasoft
*Flight Simulator by EKOTEK
*Jungle Eddi----K
*Karate by Eidersoft----L
*Lands of Havoc
*Lost Kingdom of Zkul
*Lost Pharoah----M
*Matchpoint byPsion
*Mortville Manor by Pyramide----N
*Nemesis MKII----O
*Othello by Pyramide
*Oxford Trivia----P
*QL Pawn
*The Prawn ----Q
*QL Fantasy (World 2000, Golf plus, Fireball plus, Satellites, Marine, Leonardo, Amadeus, Q-Prints) by RB Software, 1986
*QL Fictionary
*QL Monopoly
*QShang by Stefan Kühne
*Return to Eden
*SPeedfreaks by Kaos Software
*Super Arcadia (BMX Burner and Grid Racer) by Digital Precision
*SuperGames Pack (Arcanoid II, Pengi, Firebirds, Ion Gold, Doppel Ion) by JMS----T
*The Talisman
*Vroom by Pyramide----W
*Wanderer by Pyramide----Z
*Zapper by Eidersoft
*Z88 Transfer by Mark Pfizenmazer
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