Lacuna magna

Lacuna magna

Infobox Anatomy
Latin = lacuna magna
GraySubject = 256
GrayPage = 1235

Caption = The male urethra laid open on its anterior (upper) surface, lacuna magna labeled near the glans penis (bottom).

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In male anatomy, the lacuna magna (also called Guérin's sinus) is the largest of several recesses in the roof of the navicular fossa of the urethra. Its embryologic origin is contested, but recent evidence suggests it and the navicular fossa derive from infiltrating endodermal cells of the urethral plate. [cite journal |author=Kurzrock E, Baskin L, Cunha G |title=Ontogeny of the male urethra: theory of endodermal differentiation |journal=Differentiation |volume=64 |issue=2 |pages=11522 |year=1999 |pmid=10234808 |doi=10.1046/j.1432-0436.1999.6420115.x] In young males, the presence of the lacuna magna is associated with painful urination (dysuria), bloody urine (hematuria), and bloody spotting of underwear. [cite journal |author=Bellinger M, Purohit G, Duckett J, Cromie W |title=Lacuna magna: a hidden cause of dysuria and bloody spotting in boys |journal=J. Pediatr. Surg. |volume=18 |issue=2 |pages=1636 |year=1983 |pmid=6854496 |doi=10.1016/S0022-3468(83)80542-9] [cite journal |author=Sommer J, Stephens F |title=Dorsal urethral diverticulum of the fossa navicularis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment |journal=J. Urol. |volume=124 |issue=1 |pages=947 |year=1980 |pmid=7411733]


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