- Thomas Knyvett
Sir Thomas Knyvett (d. 1512) – also: "Sir Thomas Knivet" or "Sir Thomas Knevet"
A young English nobleman who was a close associate of King Henry VIII shortly after that monarch came to the throne. According to Hall's "Chronicle" [Hall, Edward, "The Vnion Of The Two Noble And Illustre Famelies Of Lancastre & Yorke" (London, 1548). Generally known as "Hall's "Chronicle"," this contemporary history remains an important source of Tudor history. The 1809 edition, which is available [http://www.archive.org/details/hallschronicleco00halluoft online] , describes the death of Thomas Knyvett pp. 534 ff.] , Knyvett was a frequent participant in the jousts and pageants of the new king's glittering court.
When Henry declared war on France in 1512, Knyvett, along with Sir John Carew, was given command of the royal flagship, the "Regent." With a number of court favourites commanding other vessels a small fleet set sail for the coast of Brittany. On August 10, 1512 they engaged a slightly larger French fleet, and a violent melee ensued. Knyvett's ship grappled with the French command vessel, and was engaged in boarding her when the French powder magazine blew up (some say it was deliberately ignited). The two vessels burst into flame. Knyvett and Carew both perished, along with the French captain and more than 1700 men, both French and English.
Knyvett was married to Muriel, daughter of
Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk (1443–-1524), and through the Howard connection was related to many of the great figures of English history (his brother-in-law, for example, was Thomas Boleyn, father of Queen Anne, and grandfather of Queen Elizabeth I.Notes
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