- Current Neutral Countries
Current neutral countries include:
*Austria - to maintain external independence and inviolability of borders (expressly modeled after the Swiss neutrality).
*Costa Rica
*Finland - a military doctrine of competent, "credible" independent defence, not depending on any outside support, and the desire to remain outside international conflicts.
*Switzerland - self-imposed, permanent, and armed, designed to ensure external security.
*Turkmenistan - declared its permanent neutrality and had it formally recognised by theU.N. Countries claimed to have neutrality but not recognized by international affairs
*Cambodia - claimed neutrality since1993
*Moldova - Article 6 of the 1994 Constitution proclaims "permanent neutrality"Past neutral countries include:
*Belgium - neutral stance abolished through theTreaty of Versailles
*Laos - theInternational Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos was signed inGeneva onJuly 23 ,1962 by 14 nations, including the five permanent members of theUnited Nations Security Council .
*Luxembourg - neutral stance abolished through itsconstitution in1948
*Netherlands - self imposed between 1839 and 1940.An explanation of "Current Neutral Countries"
Other countries may be more active on the international stage, while emphasising an intention to remain neutral in case of war close to the country. By such a declaration of intentions, the country hopes that all belligerents will count on the country's territory as off limits for the enemy, and hence unnecessary to waste resources on.
Many countries made such declarations during
World War II . Most, however, became occupied, and in the end only the state of Ireland,San Marino ,Sweden andSwitzerland (withLiechtenstein ) remained neutral of the European countries closest to the war. Their fulfillment to the letter of the rules of neutrality have been questioned: Ireland supplied some important secret information to theAllies ; for instance, the date ofD-Day was decided on the basis of incoming Atlantic weather information secretly supplied to them by Ireland but kept from Germany. Sweden and Switzerland, as embedded withinNazi Germany and its associates, similarly made some concessions to Nazi requests.However it should be noted that the neutrality of some countries now in the
European Union is under dispute, especially as the EU now operates a common foreign policy. This view was supported by theFinnish Prime Minister ,Matti Vanhanen , on 05/07/2006 while speaking to theEuropean Parliament as Council President;"Mr Pflüger described Finland as neutral. I must correct him on that: Finland is a member of the EU. We were at one time a politically neutral country, during the time of the Iron Curtain. Now we are a member of the Union, part of this community of values, which has a common policy and, moreover, a common foreign policy." [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+CRE+20060705+ITEM-002+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN European Parliament Debate (English Translation)]References
Karsh, E. "Neutrality and Small States." 1989.
Gabriel, J. M. "The American Conception of Neutrality After 1941." 1989.http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-neutral.html
ee also
*Non-Aligned Movement
*Swedish neutrality during World War II
*Irish neutrality External links
* [http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/lawofwar/hague05.htm Second Hague Convention]
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