List of characters in Martin Mystery

List of characters in Martin Mystery

This is a list of characters from the animated television series Martin Mystery (2003).

Major Characters

Martin Mystery

Martin is just like any other 16-year-old, and has a wild passion for the paranormal. But after unwillingly solving an amazing 'out of this world' mystery, he finds himself working as a paranormal Investigator for "The Center". Whether at school or on a mission, he always remains the same outrageous immature teen, constantly bursting with energy. He seldom thinks before he leaps into danger, often to help someone in peril. Martin has a peculiar love for everything slimy, sloppy and gooey - things that make Diana gag. Martin loves to play pranks and creep out his stepsister, who often retaliates with physical or verbal abuse. As a leader of the trio, Martin is also the only one who wears a U-Watch. Martin's favorite hobby is teasing Diana. He is in love with the girl Jenni, Diana's best friend. Voiced by Samuel Vincent.

Diana Lombard

Diana is a serious, rational, and obsessive straight-A 15 year old student with nothing in common with her stepbrother. As an agent at The Center, she strives to bring more seriousness into Martin's life, and is Martin's female counterpart during investigations. Diana is at times quite jumpy and squeamish on missions, but shows great courage when called on. Not sharing Martin's love of the paranormal, she often tries to explain something with logic before it becomes apparently paranormal. Diana has the hardest time keeping her cool with her irresponsible stepbrother, and will generally slap, kick, beat or scream at him quite often. Regardless of Martin's quirky behavior, she loves him like her own real brother. She is usually seen with her two signature hair clips and her small purple shoulder bag. She also seems to be the bait on the majority of the missions and the "damsel in distress". Her best friend is Jenni.She is probably the second or first victim in the episodes including being cocooned by an acid spewing insect queen and becoming an evil half human-half spider. Voiced by Kelly Sheridan.

Java The Caveman

Java is the 200,000 year-old caveman, a friend and "aide-de-camp" to Martin and Diana who works at Torrington as a cook and a janitor. He assists them in their investigations and his brute strength is useful when battling monstrous foes or breaking through barriers. A lover of lizards and spiders, Java nevertheless has fears of cats, heights, and technology. Also the member in the trio who speaks the least, his English is spoken on a fairly simplistic level (i.e.- "What that?", "Diana bald", and "Java no like this place"). Java is, however, a significant source of comedy in the show through his reactions to various scenarios, and various situations related to his poor hygiene as a caveman (i.e. his offensive foot odor, stinky armpits and filthy breath). Diana once had to give Java foot massage after losing a bet to Martin. Voiced by Dale Wilson.


As the multi-tasking director of "The Center", she oversees the investigation of paranormal activities throughout the world. Martin's amazing capabilities make him one of M.O.M.'s favorite agents - if 'favorite' is meant by the agent that she least likes to have appear in her office. Her real name is unknown, though she has used the alias Ms. Olivia Mandell in episode "Web Of The Spider Creature", which is derived from her initials of M.O.M. Before working at the center she used to drive an ice cream truck. Serious and uncompromising, she has to deal with Martin blowing up just about every piece of gadgetry she is working on whenever he appears for a debriefing in her office. Despite her typically dry sense of humor, she is actually quite- as Billy says- "a real party animal." When she was an agent, her first ever creature captured was Gastromo. In the crossover episode of Totally Spies! titled "Totally Mystery Much?", M.O.M. is shown to have a history with the spies' boss Jerry that appears to have romantic overturns much to the spies and Martin's displeasure. The initials M.O.M. are said to stand for "Mystery Organization Manager". M.O.M. is voiced by Teryl Rothery.

As a side note, M.O.M. physically resembles Elisabeth Blanctorche from The King of Fighters XI.


A tiny green alien who works for "The Center" as M.O.M.'s personal secretary, often seen flying on his mini hovercraft. His role is generally a supportive one; he pops up anytime during a mission to give Martin, Diana and Java valuable information, and he does analysis on slime or fabric samples sent by Martin. In the second season, Billy was revealed to have once been a great alien warrior known as Ganthar, on another planet, but gave up violence for good, which is the reason he doesn't go on missions with the other three agents. He arrived to Earth in the Roswell "alien" crash in 1947. Billy recently adopted a human disguise- the "B.S. 1000"- to be with Martin and Diana at their school. It is revealed in season one episode "Revenge of the Doppelganger" that Billy was once a super model on his home planet. This might be true, since he was powerful and might have been popular. Voiced by Samuel Vincent.

Minor Characters

Jenni Anderson

She is Martin's constant- and rather unrequited- love interest. Her view of Martin is generally not very flattering: this includes "immature", "freak", or "loser." Jenni is also one of the prettiest girls attending Torrington, her appearance being that of blue eyes, flared auburn colored hair, black blouse and skirt, and knee-high boots. She is also Diana's best friend. Though Jenni usually sees Martin as a "brat", there have been times where she is actually interested pursuing a relationship in him. Unfortunately for Martin, though, it never lasts, because her mind is erased, Martin does something stupid, Jenni moves for a semester, or some other similar incident occurs. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain


Martin's rival, and evidently one who does extreme things (such as "snowboarding down K-2.") He does virtually everything that Martin himself can do (better of course), and even dresses in a style similar to him. Marvin's similarity-yet-dissimilarity to Martin may be a nod to Bizarro's resemblance to yet difference from nemesis Superman. Marvin's father is a pilot. In his later appearances, he works for the Center and has his own U-Watch. After episode 39 he was deported to the South Pole and blamed it on Martin. In the episode Body-Swappers he still held a grudge until Martin gave him the majority of the credit for getting rid of the parasite and M.O.M. decided to relocate him to Hawaii. He later reappeared in episode 39 the third eye and went on a mission with martin and diana. In 64 Rage of the Leprechaun where he contacted Martin and Diana for help after he was being stalked by a leprechaun that wanted to get back a magical four leaf clover (that made anyone who held it incredible lucky) that Marvin took from him. After the incident was over with Marvin got chewed out by M.O.M. for keeping the clover instead of getting rid of it. What happened to him after that is unknown. Voiced by Matt Hill

Gerard Mystery

Martin's and Diana's father. He married Diana's mother very shortly after his first wife died while giving birth to Martin. Unlike his immature son, Gerard is a very rational, logic-minded scientist who spends much of his time in the field. He also considers anything related to the paranormal "balderdash". In the third season, he finds out about The Center and is sworn to secrecy.

Darla Simmons

Darla is the stereotypical nerd girl of Torrington Academy, most noticeable by her clothes, her appearance, and even the way she carries her books. For one particular episode, "Curse of the Looking Glass", she became Darlene, a very beautiful (but evil) girl whose looks were irresistible to other males. She appears frequently as a background character. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain


Usually referred to as 'Tonio,' he is one of Martin's best friends. He appears fairly infrequently in the show, and mostly in the first season.


A girl interested in almost everything Martin is, including the supernatural and monster movies. Caitlin was Martin's girlfriend for a brief amount of time until dumping him after he missed a date with her while fighting a revenge-driven genie. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain

Principal Pebbleton

The principal of Torrington Academy, though he holds Diana in high esteem, he despises Martin due to his complete disregard for school and his habit of pulling pranks.


This is the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) that gives orders to the Center's agents and evaluates their progress throughout the time they are agents. The CORE is located underneath M.O.M.'s room. So far, in order to go to the CORE room, M.O.M. must place her hand on a LCD panel located on desk and say, "CORE room override, Delta 996." Apparently, the CORE is spoken in a woman's voice and looks like a huge supercomputer. The CORE basically knows everything that happens to every agent and possibly in the world. In addition to the CORE room, there is a projection screen that surrounds the entire room and displays various background images like the Arctic or the desert.

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